Agenda - 06-07-2005-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-07-2005
Agenda - 06-07-2005-5l
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8/29/2008 4:15:01 PM
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8/29/2008 10:29:24 AM
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2005 S Solid Waste - Judy D Brooks for Contract Renewal for Food and Organic Waste Collection and Composting
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
Minutes - 20050607
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
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collection of separated Food Wastes and other Compostable Organic Materials, Provision may be made <br />for collection of other material that can be processed as compost feedstock, These collected materials <br />may be combined with other separated compostable materials by the Contractor to make marketable <br />compost, ifpemiitted <br />Animal Bedding Collection Service: Contractor will service Animal Bedding sites as identified on <br />Attaclunent B. The materials collected from Animal Bedding Collection Locations will be collected and <br />managed in the same manner as Food Waste, and will be co-composted with Food Waste and other <br />Compostable Organic Materials. <br />The Animal Bedding collected will be non-hazardous. Bedding from animals treated with hazazdous <br />materials such as radioactive materials, pathogens, and/or chemical carcinogens will not be included in the <br />Animal Bedding collection containers. Animals used at the UNC Depaztment of Laboratory Animal <br />Medicine are rigorously screened for zoonotic diseases and trial studies indicate that the bedding reaches <br />pasteurization temperatures when composted. <br />When measuring the volume or weight of Foad Waste or Animal Bedding materials collected, the weights <br />are to be based on weighing of the Collection Containers at each collection at each location. If weight is to <br />be estimated, weight samples shall be based on three weighings at each collection location with three <br />containers full of food waste and other compostable organic materials and or total truck weight minus tare <br />weight after pick-up route is complete on state-approved truck scales. <br />Future weight projections aze to be based on the volumes displaced during the three weighings. For <br />example, if a full 20-gallon container weighs 180 pounds, then the weight per gallon is 9 lbs./gallon. That <br />per-gallon density would then be multiplied by estimated volumes of materials collected for future weight <br />estimates. <br />SECTION 4 <br />,{'nst of Service <br />The cost of Food Waste Collection Services for FY 2005-2006 shall be $77.25 per ton for the first 1,600 tons <br />collected. The first 1,600 tons collected shall be known as the "Base Tonnage." If the amount of material <br />collected during the course of a FY exceeds the base tonnage (1,600 tons for FY 2005-2006), then the per- <br />ton cost of service for the tonnage collected beyond that shall be reduced by $20,00 per ton, or $57.25 per ton <br />for FY 2005-2006. <br />The cost of service for Animal Bedding Collection Services for FY 2005-2006 shall be a flat rate of $40.00 <br />per collection per month. For example, if a single site is collected three times during the course of a month, <br />this shall represent three (.3) collections billed at $40.00 each. The cost of service for Animal Bedding Sites <br />is independent of the amount (tonnage) of materials collected. <br />The per-ton cost of service for Food Waste Collection for future Fiscal Years will be negotiated annually, <br />with any increase in the per-ton cost not to exceed an inflation factor of three percent (3%). This inflation <br />factor, if any, shall also be applied to the cost of services for tonnage beyond the base tons. Additionally, the <br />base tonnage beyond which the County receives a price break (1,600 tons for FY 2005-2006) shall be <br />allowed to inflate annually, and this "base tonnage" price break point beyond which the County receives a <br />reduced cost of service shall be negotiated between County and Contractor. <br />The cost of Animal Bedding Collection for future Fiscal Years will be negotiated amorally, with arty increase <br />not to exceed an inflation factor of tlu-ee percent (.3%). <br />
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