Agenda 09-03-19 Item 5-a - Zoning Atlas Amendment for 6405 West Ten Road (PIN 9834-25-2573) – Rezone a 16.45 Acre Parcel of Property to General Commercial (GC-4)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-03-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 09-03-19 Item 5-a - Zoning Atlas Amendment for 6405 West Ten Road (PIN 9834-25-2573) – Rezone a 16.45 Acre Parcel of Property to General Commercial (GC-4)
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Last modified
9/3/2019 8:49:06 AM
Creation date
9/3/2019 9:13:10 AM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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Minutes 09-03-2019 Regular Meeting
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17 <br /> DRAFT <br /> capture all of their non-residential use. The planning director recommends that the Planning Board review the <br /> proposed zoning atlas amendment,to deliberate on the petition,to consider the director's recommendation, and then <br /> to make a recommendation to the board of commissioners on the statement of consistency and for a proposed <br /> ordinance for the atlas amendment in time for the September 3rd BOCC meeting. I will answer any questions you <br /> have about the presentation or the packet and then turn it over to the applicants. <br /> David Blankfard: I think we're good. <br /> Chad Huffine: Good evening; my name is Chad and I am a civil engineer with the project, with 505 E. Davis St. in <br /> Burlington. We were contacted by Mr. Doby to look at the potential uses for his property and immediately noticed the <br /> split zoning on his property. After several conversations with staff, and taking recommendations, we submitted a <br /> rezoning application for the (GC-4), which is consistent with the land-use plan you have currently. I do want to <br /> reiterate one thing that Pat said, we do not propose any changes to the transportation overlay. We do not have any <br /> conditions associated with this rezoning request and we would appreciate your favorable consideration. If you have <br /> any questions please feel free to contact me. <br /> Hunter Spitzer: What is it that Mr. Doby wants to do with the property? <br /> Chad Huffine: He's currently proposing the multiuse of landscaping and mini-storage use, but that is not what you're <br /> considering tonight. What you are considering tonight is a rezoning without conditions. <br /> Patrick Mallett: I'll add on to that briefly. This case is a general use case. In some jurisdictions they may have <br /> conditional zoning category that could be applied, and you can restrict and eliminate some of the uses. This is a <br /> general-use case. They can indicate what they intend on doing, but you have to consider all of the permitted uses <br /> that are allowed in the (GC-4)district. <br /> David Blankfard: Do we have any comments from the citizens? <br /> Crystal Gvaldoni: My name is Crystal. I live at 6405 West Ten Rd., which is directly impacted by this change. I built <br /> my home in 2010 from the ground up, and I know Mr. Doby personally. I am against what he's planning on doing to <br /> the property by rezoning it as commercial and putting in a mini-storage facility. I feel like it's going to increase the <br /> amount of crime that we have in our neighborhood. For his property, I pulled some 911 records and in the last <br /> several years there have been robberies by someone I know who has been in jail. I think that putting a storage <br /> facility directly behind my house is going to decline the property value of my house and will also affect curb appeal if I <br /> choose to sell my home in the future. My biggest concern is the increase and amount of crime we are going to have <br /> because everything is open. His business sits on the road front and there is no security. If you stick a mini-storage <br /> my backyard, how is it going to be affected? I have children there, we love where we live, and we don't want to <br /> move, and I may be forced to move if this happens. <br /> Bal K Sharma: My name is Bal. I live in Cary, but we do have some land next to the truck stop there on Buckhorn <br /> Road. We also have combined investments there. This exit has not doubled up enough compared to other exits <br /> which I would love to see. In terms of the General Commercial use, it gives more employment opportunities for the <br /> citizens. I do support changing into the commercial joining and support this cause. <br /> David Blankfard: Does the board have any questions? <br /> Adam Beeman: I have a question for the owner. To elaborate a little on the storage unit. I am looking at the only <br /> place that you are going to be able to get into on that property which is on that right or would you pass by the <br /> landscaping business if you were to develop in the future? <br /> Chad Huffine: The only thing I can commit to is to respond to some of her concerns and to comment to the property <br /> value and the crime deterrent and prevention. I can tell you that access would be from West Ten Rd. and that during <br /> the site plan process, the information is provided to DOT and Orange County and that driveway conditions are either <br /> approved or not approved. The property has frontage on West Ten Rd. and would be accessible by light. <br />
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