Orange County NC Website
3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members (Three Minute Limit Per <br /> Commissioner) <br /> 4. Proclamations/Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. "The Nature of Orange"Photography Contest 2019 <br /> b. Appointment of Tax Administrator <br /> c. 400 Years Proclamation <br /> d. Resolution Condemning the Ku Klux Klan and Other Similar Groups <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Zoning Atlas Amendment for 6405 West Ten Road (PIN 9834-25-2573) — Rezone a 16.45 acre <br /> Parcel of Property to General Commercial (GC-4) <br /> b. Public Hearing on the Financing of Various Capital Investment Plan Projects <br /> 6. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Format for the 2019 Orange County Summit <br /> b. Acceptance of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Orange County Northern Campus <br /> 7. Reports <br /> 8. Consent Agenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> a. Minutes <br /> b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> c. Property Tax Releases/Refunds <br /> d. Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion <br /> e. Tax Collector's Annual Settlement for Fiscal Year 2018-19 <br /> f. Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Amendment#1 <br /> g. Application for North Carolina Education Lottery Proceeds for Chapel Hill — Carrboro City <br /> Schools (CHCCS) and Contingent Approval of Budget Amendment #l-A Related to CHCCS <br /> Capital Project Ordinances <br /> h. Acceptance of Grant for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Approval of Budget Amendment#1-B <br /> i. Approval of FY 2019-20 Forest Service Contract <br /> j. Finalization of Property Exchange Between the County and Holloways <br /> k. Northern Campus Easement Acquisition <br /> 1. Resolution of Approval — Conservation Easement on Triangle Land Conservancy-McQueen <br /> Property <br /> m. Adoption of Policies Related to North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) — 2019 <br /> Urgent Repair Program(URP 19) Grant Award <br /> n. Approval of Correction to Language in the Resolution Authorizing the Orange County FY 2017- <br /> 2018 HOME Program Design <br />