Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> RES-2019-055 <br /> Attachment I <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING <br /> CORRECTION OF LANGUAGE IN RESOLUTION 2017-037 ADOPTED DUNE 6, 2017, <br /> WHICH AUTHORIZED THE ORANGE COUNTY FY 2017-2018 HOME PROGRAM <br /> DESIGN <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, by the Orange County Board of Commissioners as a member of the Orange <br /> County HOME Consortium approves the correction of language in Resolution 2017-037 adopted June <br /> 6, 2017 so that the second Housing Rehabilitation project activity reads as follows in its entirety: <br /> Housing Rehabilitation <br /> Funds will be allocated to the Orange County Department of Housing and Community Development <br /> for housing rehabilitation. This program will provide rehabilitation activities for rental properties <br /> occupied by tenants earning 80% or less of the area median income. <br /> (Requested amount: $65,900) $55,839 <br /> This the 3rd day of September, 2019 <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />