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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2019 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-n <br /> SUBJECT: Approval of Correction to Language in the Resolution Authorizing the Orange <br /> County FY 2017-2018 HOME Program Design <br /> DEPARTMENT: Housing and Community <br /> Development <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Attachment 1: Resolution Authorizing Bonnie Hammersley, County Manager, <br /> Approval of Correction to (919) 245-2300 <br /> Language in June 6, 2017 <br /> Resolution 2017-037 <br /> Authorizing the Orange <br /> County FY 2017-2018 <br /> HOME Program Design <br /> Attachment 2: Original FY2017-18 <br /> Resolution <br /> PURPOSE: To approve a resolution correcting language in Resolution 2017-037 adopted by <br /> the Board on June 6, 2017 that authorized the Orange County FY 2017-2018 HOME Program <br /> Design. <br /> BACKGROUND: The resolution to approve the project activities for the 2017-2018 HOME <br /> program, adopted by the Board on June 6, 2017, included the approval of $69,480 to <br /> EmPOWERment, Inc., to acquire a single-family property for lease to households earning 80% <br /> or less of area median income. The resolution also included a project activity earmarking <br /> $55,839 in funds to the Orange County Department of Housing and Community Development to <br /> rehab the unit acquired by EmPOWERment. However, the second sentence describing the <br /> rehab project activity contained language that was incompatible with the language of the <br /> acquisition activity. Specifically, the language stated that "This program will provide rehabilitation <br /> to owner-occupied homeowners throughout Orange County earning less than 80% of the area <br /> median income." <br /> Since EmPOWERment provides affordable rental housing to renters earning 80% or less than <br /> the area median income, approval is requested to change this second sentence to read "This <br /> program will provide rehabilitation activities for rental properties occupied by tenants earning <br /> 80% or less of the County's area median income." During the recent monitoring visit, this <br /> change was requested by HUD and should be undertaken before any funds are expended for <br /> this activity. <br />