Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> the work in a timely manner that meets the goal of assisting homeowners to remain in their <br /> home. <br /> • Disabled: A person who has a physical, mental or developmental disability that greatly limits <br /> one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having <br /> such an impairment. <br /> • Large Family: A large family household is composed of five or more individuals; at least four <br /> are immediate family members. <br /> • Head of Household: The person or persons who own(s) the house. <br /> • Household Member: Any individual who is an occupant (defined below) of the unit to be <br /> rehabilitated shall be considered a "household member' (the number of household members <br /> will be used to determine household size and all household members are subject to income <br /> verification). <br /> • Occupant: An occupant is defined as any immediate family member (mother, father, spouse, <br /> son/daughter of the head of the household, regardless of the time of occupancy); or non- <br /> immediate family member who has resided in the dwelling at least three (3) months prior to <br /> the submission of the family's application. <br /> • Single-Parent Household: A household in which one and only one adult resides with one or <br /> more dependent children. <br /> • Veteran: A person who served in the active military, naval or air service, and who was <br /> discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. <br /> • Child with elevated blood lead level: a child younger than the age of six (6) with an elevated <br /> blood lead level between 10µ g/dl and 20µg/dl. <br /> Client Referral and Support Services: Homeowners assisted through the Urgent Repair Program <br /> (URP 2019) may also need other services. When the Urgent Repair Program staff meets the <br /> homeowner during the intake process, if needed, they will discuss the resources and programs <br /> available in the County and provide pamphlets and a list of the agencies with contact information. <br /> With the Homeowner's permission, any referrals to other agencies will be included in the Housing <br /> Case File. <br /> What is the Form of Assistance Under URP19? The County will provide assistance in the form of a <br /> forgiveable loan to homeowners whose homes are selected for repair/modification. The <br /> unsecured, interest-free loan, will be forgiven at a rate of $2,000 per year until the principal <br /> balance is reduced to zero. As part of the application process, all applicants will be provided <br /> detailed information about these loans, and will be required to attest to receiving this information. <br /> What is the Amount of the Loan? The amount of the loan will depend on the scope of work <br /> necessary to address the identified imminent threats to life and/or safety and that will be <br /> determined by the County's Rehabilitation Specialist. There is no minimum to the amount of the <br /> loan; however, the maximum life-time limit according to the guidelines of NCHFA's URP19 <br /> Program is $10,000. <br /> What are the Eligible Kinds of Repairs? Only repairs that address imminent threats to the life <br /> and/or safety of occupants of the dwelling unit or accessibility modifications will be performed <br /> Page 3 <br />