Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> C. The State has enacted the Conservation and Historic Preservation Agreements <br /> Act, Chapter 121, Article 4 of the North Carolina General Statutes ("N.C.G.S."), which provides <br /> for the enforceability of restrictions, easements, covenants, and conditions "appropriate to <br /> retaining land or water areas predominantly in their natural, scenic or open condition . . . ." <br /> D. The Clean Water Management Trust Fund is authorized by N.C.G.S. Chapter <br /> 143B, Article 2, Part 41 to acquire land and interests in land on behalf of the State: <br /> • for riparian buffers for the purposes of providing environmental protection for surface <br /> waters and urban drinking water supplies and establishing a network of riparian <br /> greenways for environmental, educational, and recreational uses, <br /> • for the purpose of protecting and conserving surface waters and enhancing drinking water <br /> supplies, including the development of water supply reservoirs, <br /> • to provide buffers around military bases to protect the military mission, <br /> • that represent the ecological diversity of North Carolina, including natural features such <br /> as riverine, montane, coastal, and geologic systems and other natural areas to ensure their <br /> preservation and conservation for recreational, scientific, educational, cultural, and <br /> aesthetic purposes, and <br /> • that contribute to the development of a balanced State program of historic properties. <br /> E. Grantor and Grantee have agreed that the entire Property shall be subject to this <br /> Conservation Easement. As aforementioned, the Property is more particularly described in <br /> Exhibit A. <br /> The Property has the following conservation values and serves the following <br /> conservation purposes: <br /> • to preserve, enhance, restore, and maintain the natural features and resources of the <br /> riparian buffer, to control runoff of sediment, and to improve and maintain the water <br /> quality, of portions of a tributary of Phil's Creek, which is located approximately 2 miles <br /> upstream of University Lake, <br /> • to protect and preserve the ecological diversity including natural features such as an <br /> intact upland hardwood community for recreational, scientific, educational, cultural, and <br /> aesthetic purposes, <br /> Moreover, Grantor and Grantee recognize that the Property has other conservation values <br /> and purposes, including fish and wildlife conservation, open space values, and scenic values <br /> (hereinafter, collectively with the conservation values described in this Section E of the Recitals <br /> and the conservation purposes of this Conservation Easement, the "Conservation Values"). <br /> F. Grantor has received a grant from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund <br /> CWMTF CE Template,entire property,Nov.2018 2 <br /> Combined <br />