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16 <br /> with and subject to NCGS §143B-135.236 or any successor law, and the Fund's internal <br /> stewardship policies and procedures. The Parties specifically acknowledge that neither Orange <br /> County's obligation to monitor the Property, nor its assignment of said obligation, shall have any <br /> effect on the rights and obligations of the Grantee of this Conservation Easement. Further, the <br /> Parties covenant that the obligation to provide monitoring of the Property will survive any <br /> transfer of Grantor's fee interest in the Property. <br /> B. Subsequent Transfers of the Fee. Grantor agrees for itself, its successors and <br /> assigns, that in the event it intends to transfer the Property or any interest in the Property, to <br /> notify the Grantee and the Fund in writing of the names and addresses of any party to whom the <br /> Property is to be transferred, the nature of the interest to be transferred, and the terms and <br /> conditions of the intended transfer, at least sixty (60) days before the transfer is intended to be <br /> consummated. Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, further agrees to make specific <br /> reference to this Conservation Easement in a separate paragraph of any subsequent lease, deed, <br /> or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed. The Property owner <br /> shall not convey the Property or any interest therein, and shall not incur, assume, or suffer to exist <br /> any lien, upon or with respect to the Property, without disclosing to the prospective buyer the <br /> Conservation Easement, the obligations of the Property owner and limitations on use of the <br /> Property. Nothing in this Section abrogates or limits Section I of Article III hereof. <br /> C. Subsequent Transfers of the Conservation Easement. The Parties hereto <br /> recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable <br /> with any such assignee having all the rights and remedies of Grantee hereunder. The Parties <br /> hereby covenant and agree, that in the event this Conservation Easement is transferred or <br /> assigned, the transferee or assignee of the Conservation Easement will be a qualified <br /> organization as that term is defined in Section 170(h)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, <br /> as amended, or any successor section, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (the "Code") <br /> that is organized or operated primarily for one of the conservation purposes specified in Section <br /> 170(h)(4)(A) of the Code, a qualified holder as that term is defined in the Act or any successor <br /> statute, and a qualified grant recipient pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 14313, Article 2, Part 41. <br /> The Parties further covenant and agree that the terms of the transfer or the assignment will be <br /> such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue to carry out in perpetuity the <br /> purpose(s) of the Conservation Easement that the contribution was originally intended to <br /> advance as set forth herein, but acknowledge specifically that any transfer or assignment of the <br /> Conservation Easement shall have no effect on Orange County's obligation to provide <br /> stewardship of the Conservation Easement as set forth in this Article VI. <br /> D. Existing Responsibilities of Grantor and Grantee Not Affected. Other than as <br /> specified herein, this Conservation Easement is not intended to impose any legal or other <br /> responsibility on the Grantee, or in any way to affect any existing obligation to the Grantor as <br /> owner of the Property. Among other things, this shall apply to: <br /> 1. Taxes. The Grantor shall continue to be solely responsible for payment of <br /> all taxes and assessments levied against the Property. If the Grantee is <br /> ever required to pay any taxes or assessments on its interest in the <br /> Property, the Grantor will reimburse the Grantee for the same. <br /> CWMTF CE Template,entire property,Nov.2018 11 <br /> Combined <br />