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13 <br /> such circumstances damage to the Grantee would be irreparable and remedies at law will be <br /> inadequate. The rights and remedies of the Grantee provided hereunder shall be in addition to, <br /> and not in lieu of, all other rights and remedies available to Grantee in connection with this <br /> Conservation Easement, including, without limitation, those set forth in the Grant Contract under <br /> which this Conservation Easement was obtained. <br /> B. Access for Inspection and Right of EntrX. Grantee shall have the right, by and <br /> through their agents and employees, to enter the Property to inspect the Property for compliance <br /> with this Conservation Easement at all reasonable times and with prior notice and, if necessary, <br /> cross other lands retained by the Grantor for the purposes of (1) inspecting the Property to <br /> determine if the Grantor is complying with the covenants and purpose(s) of this Conservation <br /> Easement; (2) enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement; (3) taking any and all actions <br /> with respect to the Property as may be necessary or appropriate with or without order of the <br /> Court, to remedy or abate violations hereof; and (4) making scientific and educational <br /> observations and studies and taking samples in such a manner as will not disturb the quiet <br /> enjoyment of the Property by the Grantor. <br /> C. Termination and Proceeds of Property Rights Created. This Conservation <br /> Easement gives rise to a property right that is immediately vested in the Grantee at the time of <br /> recordation, with a fair market value that is equal to the proportionate value that the <br /> Conservation Easement bears to the value of the Property as a whole on the date of the recording <br /> of this Conservation Easement. This proportionate value shall remain constant. <br /> 1. Eminent Domain. Whenever all or part of the Property is taken, or threatened to <br /> be taken, by exercise of eminent domain by public, corporate, or other authority, or by <br /> negotiated sale in lieu of condemnation, so as to abrogate any restriction imposed by this <br /> Conservation Easement, the Grantor shall immediately give notice to Grantee and the <br /> Fund, and shall take all appropriate actions related to such taking or negotiated sale in <br /> coordination with and with the consent of the Grantee and the Fund, to recover the full <br /> value of the taking and all incidental or direct damages resulting from the taking. The <br /> Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall be entitled to a portion of the proceeds of such <br /> sale, exchange, involuntary conversion of the Property, or any damage award with <br /> respect to any judicial proceeding according to Grantee's proportional interest in the <br /> value of the Property as determined under Treasury Regulations §1.170A-14(g)(6)(ii) or <br /> any successor regulation. "Proceeds of Sale" shall mean the cash value of all money <br /> and property paid, transferred, or contributed in consideration for, or as otherwise <br /> required as a condition to the sale, exchange or involuntary conversion of the Property, or <br /> any damages otherwise awarded as a result of judicial proceeding, minus the Grantor's <br /> expenses from such transaction or proceeding. As allowed by NCGS §146-30(a), <br /> Grantee shall use its share of the Proceeds of Sale in a manner consistent with the <br /> purpose(s) of the Conservation Easement as set forth herein. Notwithstanding the <br /> foregoing, all Proceeds of Sale shall be distributed among the Parties according to each <br /> Party's respective contribution to the purchase price of the Property and this <br /> Conservation Easement. For the purposes of determining any distribution of proceeds <br /> pursuant to this section, Grantor's proportionate contribution to the purchase price shall <br /> be deemed to be 100%, and Grantee's proportionate contribution to the purchase price <br /> CWMTF CE Template,entire property,Nov.2018 8 <br /> Combined <br />