Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2019 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-1 <br /> SUBJECT: Resolution of Approval — Conservation Easement on Triangle Land <br /> Conservancy-McQueen Property <br /> DEPARTMENT: Environment, Agriculture, Parks <br /> and Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Resolution of Approval David Stancil, 245-2510 <br /> 2. Location Map Christian Hirni, 245-2514 <br /> 3. Site Map <br /> 4. Draft Conservation Easement <br /> PURPOSE: To consider a resolution to approve the acceptance by Orange County of a <br /> conservation easement for Triangle Land Conservancy's McQueen Property. <br /> BACKGROUND: The acquisition of conservation easements to protect highly important natural <br /> and cultural resource lands in Orange County is a longstanding goal of the Board of <br /> Commissioners, and is a priority of the Lands Legacy program. Since 2001, the County has <br /> partnered with landowners and other entities to protect 2,647 acres of significant natural areas <br /> and prime farmland with permanent conservation easements, leveraging over $4 million in <br /> outside funding and grants toward these easements. <br /> Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) contacted the County asking if the County would hold a <br /> permanent conservation easement on the approximately 40-acre McQueen Property. TLC <br /> obtained a mini grant from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund to cover the transaction <br /> fees associated with the property donation to TLC. A condition of the grant is for an outside <br /> organization hold a conservation easement on the property. <br /> The property is entirely forested with mature mixed hardwoods. It is bound on the north by <br /> approximately 2,300 stream feet of an unnamed tributary of Phil's Creek located in the <br /> University Lake Protected Watershed. <br /> The property is approximately one mile upstream of TLC's Shenandoah Conservation easement <br /> and two and half miles upstream of University Lake (owned by OWASA). Conservation of this <br /> property will protect the drinking water of southern Orange County and protect the wildlife <br /> habitat of a multitude of species. TLC plans to hold this property in perpetuity to protect water <br /> quality and to provide wildlife habitat. <br />