Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2019 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-j <br /> SUBJECT: Finalization of Property Exchange Between the County and Holloways <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager, Asset <br /> Management Services (AMS) <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1 — Agreement Travis Myren, Deputy County Manager, <br /> 2 — Recombination Plat 919-245-2308 <br /> 3 — Resolution to Exchange Real Property Steve Arndt, AMS Director, 919-245- <br /> 2658 <br /> Alan Dorman, AMS Assistant Director, <br /> 919-245-2627 <br /> PURPOSE: To: <br /> 1) Authorize the County Manager to complete all required documentation and take <br /> necessary action to effect a land exchange between the County and the Holloway family <br /> related to the development of the County's Northern Campus, subject to final review by <br /> the County Attorney; and <br /> 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution to Exchange Real Property. <br /> BACKGROUND: The County purchased three parcels of land in 2018 located on Highway 70 <br /> for the development of the Northern Campus. The Northern campus will consist of three new <br /> County facilities — the Detention Center, the Environmental and Agriculture Center, and the <br /> Parks Operations Base. Soon after the purchase of the parcels, the adjacent property owners, <br /> William and Donna Holloway approached the County about a proposal to exchange a portion of <br /> their land with the County. After an initial review it was determined that an exchange of land <br /> with the Holloways would benefit the County as it would provide better options for siting the <br /> three facilities on the property. <br /> The County negotiated an agreement with the Holloways (Attachment 1) that specified the <br /> eventual terms of the exchange, including the payment of $7,000 to the Holloways for the re- <br /> alignment of a fence along the new property line. <br /> The property to be exchanged is depicted on the re-combination plat (Attachment 2), and shown <br /> as tracts A, B, and C. The details of the exchange are as follows: <br /> The County will exchange the following: <br /> Tract A - A 1,827 square foot portion of property (approximate value of $763) located at <br /> 1010 US Highway 70, Hillsborough (PIN 9864397758). The property is <br /> approximately 2.0 acres prior to the exchange and approximately 3.022 acres <br /> after the exchange. <br />