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2 <br /> • Taking preventative measures, educational and otherwise as necessary, to prevent forest <br /> fires. <br /> In addition to their statutory responsibilities, the County and District offices participate in many <br /> public education efforts. For example, the County's Lands Legacy Program calls for the <br /> conservation of high priority natural areas, prime forests and wildlife habitat. Part of the strategy <br /> to address this priority is through public seminars on Sustainable Forest Management and <br /> Stewardship, in which the County and District offices participate. Forest Service staff also <br /> provided Wildland Fire Suppression training classes to volunteer fire departments. A summary <br /> of accomplishments for 2018 by the Forest Service is included as an attachment. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: As is done each year, the anticipated budget for the Forest Service <br /> contract is shared with the County prior to budget approval, and amounts budgeted accordingly <br /> and approved as part of the County budget in June. The approved FY 2019-20 total Forest <br /> Service budget is $147,134, with the County's share of the budget as per the proposed contract <br /> at $58,854. These funds were included in the adopted FY 2019-20 County budget. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There is no Orange County Social Justice Goal impact associated <br /> with this item. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The following Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impact is applicable to this item: <br /> • RESULTANT IMPACT ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND AIR QUALITY (Assess and <br /> where possible mitigate adverse impacts created to the natural resources of the site and <br /> adjoining area. Minimize production of greenhouse gases.) <br /> Promoting sustainable forestry practices, and protecting county woodlands from forest fires and <br /> other hazards helps mitigate adverse impacts to the natural resources of the County. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the attached <br /> annual agreement between Orange County and the N.C. Forest Service for FY 2019-20, and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign the agreement. <br />