Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> NCFS Summary of Accomplishments in Orange County <br /> Forest Stewardship <br /> The Forest Stewardship Program is a cooperative effort involving several agencies <br /> and forestry professionals. It is designed to encourage landowners to manage their <br /> natural resources to enhance timber, fish and wildlife, water, soils, and aesthetics. <br /> This year we are proud to announce that Orange Water and Sewer <br /> Association has been announced as the Forest Stewardship Agency Partner <br /> Award for 2018! Below is a list of Orange County Forest Stewardship Committee <br /> members and the agencies with which they are associated. This year 1 <br /> comprehensive Forest Stewardship Plan covering 52 acres was written for <br /> landowners detailing the total resources on their property and making <br /> recommendations on how to best manage them. <br /> Clell Britt, Assistant District Forester, N.C. Forest Service <br /> Kelley Douglass, Wildlife Biologist, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission <br /> =>e6i <br /> fa. <br /> o= <br /> Figure 1:Former District Forester John Howard presents Ruth Rouse the Forest Stewardship Award for <br /> the OWASA Buckhorn Tract in southern Orange County <br /> Cost Share Assistance <br /> The N.C. Forest Service offers assistance in forest management through managing <br /> cost share assistance in forest practices. The most common practice is of course <br /> reforestation by way of planting trees in cutover areas or reforesting old fields. In <br /> 2018, The N.C.F.S. main program, the Forest Development Program (F.D.P.) <br /> reimbursed landowners in Orange County with a total of$5,390 of cost share <br /> assistance. The average cost of$85.00 per acre of reforestation is offset by the cost <br /> share of$35.00 per acre or 40% of the total cost, allowing an additional 146 acres <br /> to be planted in Orange County that otherwise may not have been planted. In 2019, <br /> an additional 215+ acres have been approved for cost share assistance. <br /> 4 <br />