Orange County NC Website
2019 Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Proposal Application 9 <br /> year period will provide valuable exposure to help normalize electric vehicle technology. The <br /> ability of the plug-in hybrid to run on gasoline will increase new user comfort with the vehicle and <br /> increase overall utilization and user exposure. The availability of this vehicle will be advertised to <br /> County staff, the Orange County Commission for the Environment, Board of Orange County <br /> Commissioners and posted on the County's CarShare webpage. It will also be co-promoted as a <br /> part of the innovative CarShare program which is helping to right-size Orange County's fleet. <br /> • Irreparable EVSE Replacement: <br /> Replacing non-functioning, unreliable, and incompatible EATON EVSE with well-established, <br /> rugged, and up-to-date Clipper Creek EVSE will enable all Orange County EV drivers to use and <br /> rely on the Orange County EVSE network. The presence of more EVs actively charging will in <br /> itself serve as advertising to increase awareness of the viability and accessibility of electric <br /> vehicles. Notification of the upgrade to the EVSE will be posted on PlugShare and will be sent to <br /> the Alternative Fuels Data Center so they can update their interactive database and map. The <br /> upgraded stations will also be highlighted in the County newsletter which reaches more than <br /> 1,200 readers including traditional news media reporting staff. A press release will be created and <br /> sent out with the newsletter story in coordination with Orange County Public Relations staff. <br /> • Standalone Solar EVSE: <br /> This partnership between the Orange County Public Transportation and the Sustainability <br /> Program to launch a renewable energy-powered mobility-on-demand program will help to <br /> increase public awareness and acceptance of electric vehicle technology. As these three clearly- <br /> marked PHEV vans drive around Orange County picking up passengers, they will serve as mobile <br /> advertising for low-emissions transportation. <br /> Orange County Public Transportation also has a full time marketing person who is active on social <br /> media and hold regular public education events. Orange County will work with the OCPT <br /> marketing staff to amplify the inherent visibility of the proposed project through social media <br /> outreach and in-person events such as the County's Earth Evening event. The Sustainability <br /> Program also regularly interacts with a segment of Orange County who is most interested in <br /> environmental conservation and air quality and they would welcome news of this investment in <br /> clean air. A press release will be created and sent out along with a County newsletter story in <br /> coordination with Orange County Public Relations staff. <br /> Plan for Task#4 Reporting. <br /> Progress reports will be submitted quarterly based on the schedule and templates provided by NCCETC <br /> and will cover all deliverables related to this three-part project. This documentation of achieved <br /> deliverables and cost-share will accompany all itemized paid invoice reimbursement requests. <br /> A final cost share letter providing a description of cost share funding sources and the stating total cost <br /> share contribution will be submitted on Orange County letterhead with the final invoice. A brief final report <br /> summarizing the accomplishments of Tasks 1-3 will be compiled and submitted no later than fifteen (15) <br /> days following the completion of the project and no later than January 15, 2022. <br /> North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center <br /> (revised 1/23/19) 4 <br />