Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 2019 ROUND 2 <br /> Clean Fuel Advanced Technology (CFAT) <br /> Statement of Work <br /> Project Summary: <br /> Orange County is proposing to complete a three-part project including: <br /> 1.) Upgrading a vehicle lease to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV)which will be available for <br /> use by all Orange County staff through the CarShare program managed by Orange County Asset <br /> Management Services, and; <br /> 2.) Renewing much of Orange County's public charging network by replacing 12 failing, increasingly <br /> incompatible, and irreparable EATON electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE, sometimes <br /> referred to as "charging stations")with 11 updated single-plug EVSE and 1 dual-plug EVSE. This <br /> expansion will allow for the County's first plug-in passenger vehicle to charge, and; <br /> 3.) Acquiring a standalone solar EVSE that will fully charge 3 PHEV minivans operated by Orange <br /> County Public Transportation to serve as ADA-accessible On-Demand Transit vehicles for urban <br /> and rural residents. Given that these vehicles will be stationed in a sunny parking lot that is far <br /> from an existing grid connection, and given that the County has committed to transitioning to <br /> 100% renewable energy-based operation by 2050, this charging station solution is ideal. <br /> Given his familiarity with the CFAT program, as well as his direct management of the County's EVSE <br /> network and CarShare program, the Orange County Sustainability Coordinator, Brennan Bouma, will <br /> manage this project. Bouma will work with the Orange County Asset Management Services as well as <br /> Orange County Public Transportation to provide administrative support, tracking, and reporting on this <br /> project throughout the reporting period (see Bouma's resume in Attachment 9). <br /> Plan for Deliverables <br /> Plan for Task#1 Acquisition / Installation of Equipment with Documentation of Work. <br /> The steps to prepare grant-funded equipment and sites for each element of the project are listed below. <br /> None of these elements require ground disturbance or concrete cutting: <br /> • Lease Vehicle PHEV Upgrade:#A 2-year lease of one 2019 Chevy Volt <br /> will be procured from an approved vendor per Orange County's <br /> Procurement Manual (see Attachment 8). The incremental cost <br /> determination detailed in the Budget (Attachment 2) is based on quotes O <br /> received from Enterprise showing the difference in monthly costs between ORANGE CO "TM <br /> a 2019 Chevy Volt (106 mpge*) and a comparable 2019 Chevy Cruze CarShare <br /> (32 mpg*) over a two year lease. The Volt was selected due to its PARKING <br /> suitability for long-range or short-range travel as well as the fact that its ONLY <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CGROGNA <br /> Figure 1:Orange County <br /> CarShare parking sign. <br />