Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORD-2019-034 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2019 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-h <br /> SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Approval of Budget <br /> Amendment #1-B <br /> DEPARTMENT: Asset Management Services, <br /> Orange County Transportation <br /> Services, Financial and <br /> Administrative Services <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Project Award Letter Brennan Bouma, 919-245-2626 <br /> Statement of Work Theo Letman, 919-245-2007 <br /> Paul Laughton, (919) 245-2152 <br /> PURPOSE: To: <br /> 1) Accept $147,247 in reimbursement from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology <br /> Center (NCCETC) through its "Clean Fuel Advanced Technology (CFAT)" grant program <br /> to purchase a solar electric vehicle charging station, and update twelve (12) of the <br /> County's original electric vehicle charging stations, and lease the County's first plug-in <br /> electric passenger vehicle; <br /> 2) Approve Budget Amendment #1-B; and <br /> 3) Authorize the County Manager to sign the associated funding agreement and any other <br /> necessary documentation for the successful completion of this project pending final <br /> review by the County Attorney's Office. <br /> BACKGROUND: On March 29, 2019, Orange County staff responded to a request for <br /> proposals from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center (NC CETC) for Clean Fuel <br /> Advanced Technology (CFAT) 2019 Round 2 grant funding. This grant program is sponsored <br /> by the NC Department of Transportation and funded with federal Congestion Mitigation Air <br /> Quality funds. <br /> The primary purpose of the grant is to reduce transportation related emissions in 24 eligible <br /> North Carolina counties, and Orange County has been funded through this grant twice <br /> previously. <br /> Grant funding will be used to defray the costs of upgrading a 2-year vehicle lease to enable <br /> Orange County to acquire its first plug-in electric passenger vehicle. This vehicle will be used <br /> within Orange County's CarShare program, maximizing its availability to County staff across all <br /> departments. <br />