Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Clerical error G.S.105-381(a)(1)(a) BOCC REPORT - REAL/PERSONAL <br /> Illegal tax G.S.105-381(a)(1)(b) <br /> Appraisal appeal G.S.105-330.2(b) SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 <br /> ACCOUNT BILLING ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br /> 16 Parkside Lane LLC 1067229 2019 31,874 (253.01) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Owner provided timely information that asset was moved out of county as of <br /> Air Methods Corporation 317628 2019 2,289,892 (36,951.98) Assessed in error(illegal tax) May 1,2018 <br /> Allison,Leo L. 295299 2019 6,700 (62.69) Assessed in error(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Best,Charles M.Heirs 1074177 2019 191,746 (1,794.74) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Bowman,William Lee Jr. 270174 2019 70,000 (1,041.53) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Braddock Park Associates Inc. 1074426 2019 30,000 (446.37) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Braddock Park Associates Inc. 1074412 2019 30,000 (446.37) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Braddock Park Associates Inc. 1074418 2019 30,000 (446.37) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Bradshaw,Gloria 276878 2019 167,700 (1,569.17) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Carrboro Greens LLC 1074055 2019 530,100 (8,847.90) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Carter,Adam 315791 2019 255,800 (2,393.52) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Crisp,Cothene T.Heirs 147236 2019 67,900 (1,010.28) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Mapping error in 1994 created overstated lot size by 1.64 acres and incorrect <br /> Curtis,Wendy P. 199910 2018 121,800 109,700 (116.66) Assessed in error(illegal tax) value <br /> Mapping error in 1994 created overstated lot size by 1.64 acres and incorrect <br /> Curtis,Wendy P. 199910 2017 121,800 109,700 (115.12) Assessed in error(illegal tax) value <br /> Mapping error in 1994 created overstated lot size by 1.64 acres and incorrect <br /> Curtis,Wendy P. 199910 2016 90,631 81,600 (89.23) Assessed in error(illegal tax) value <br /> Mapping error in 1994 created overstated lot size by 1.64 acres and incorrect <br /> Curtis,Wendy P. 199910 2015 90,631 81,600 (89.23) Assessed in error(illegal tax) value <br /> Mapping error in 1994 created overstated lot size by 1.64 acres and incorrect <br /> Curtis,Wendy P. 199910 2014 90,631 81,600 (89.23) Assessed in error(illegal tax) value <br /> Cypress Creek Renewables LLC 1062687 2018 145,485 - (2,826.17) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Property not located in Orange County,billed in Durham County <br /> Dorsett,William C. 76894 2019 31,400 (293.81) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Dorsett,William C. 144627 2019 18,000 (168.42) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Value adjusted to North Carolina Department of Revenue recommended value <br /> Dunn,Christopher 1068907 2017 18,500 9,250 (265.01) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) per appeal request from taxpayer <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2019 144,700 114,200 (285.48) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2018 144,700 114,200 (280.14) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2017 144,700 114,200 (276.27) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2016 142,863 139,900 (28.09) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2015 142,863 139,900 (27.79) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating that residence was destroyed in June <br /> Evans,Lewis Thomas 219676 2014 142,863 139,900 (27.79) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2008 <br /> Fine,Jonathan 1072338 2018 4,330 - (170.04) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap bill:vehicle registered in South Carolina during Gap period <br /> Fox,Matthew 1067678 2017 13,530 (891.94) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap bill:vehicle registered in Texas during Gap period <br /> French,John Michael 3178718 2019 4,080 (175.58) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap bill:vehicle registered in Tennessee during Gap period <br /> Owner produced fire report indicating residence severly damaged in Decemer <br /> Hackney,Ricky K. 304904 2018 93,000 54,800 (368.29) Assessed in error(illegal tax) 2017 <br /> Application received timely,additional information requested received after <br /> Hawks,Victor 308737 2019 155,000 81,630 (696.20) Assessed in error(illegal tax) billing <br /> Hogan,Curtis W. 1075861 2018 6,630 - (119.69) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap bill:vehicle registered in Colorado during Gap period <br /> Honeycutt,Joseph Lee 304717 2019 3,211 - (29.77) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Jackson,Glenn 1073786 2018 10,290 10,290 (249.36) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Gap bill:gap period 18 months but billed for 37 months <br /> Johann,Holger 320585 2019 300,500 - (2,811.78) Double billed(illegal tax) *Parcel was closed for 2019 and billed in error <br /> Previously disqualified from present-use value program,evidence of <br /> Kille,Marilyn Mooney 204214 2018 674,503 N/A (3,429.39) Assessed in error(illegal tax) compliance produced,necessitating reversal <br /> Previously disqualified from present-use value program,evidence of <br /> Kille,Marilyn Mooney 1 2042141 2017 674,503 N/A 3,680.13 Assessed in error(illegal tax compliance produced,necessitating reversal <br /> May 16 thru August 17,2019 1 <br />