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16 <br /> 1 amount raised by a % cent tax. She said she would rather raise the ad valorem, if necessary, <br /> 2 and fund it through the CIP and use regular mechanisms for funding. <br /> 3 Commissioner Dorosin echoed much of Commissioner Marcoplos' and Greene's <br /> 4 comments, but he also thought that whatever the Board does, it has to be viewed through the <br /> 5 racial equity and social justice lens, and he said he would like to see this prioritization built into <br /> 6 the proposal. He said other entities have dedicated taxes, and future boards can make <br /> 7 changes to anything done by the current BOCC. He said any action that the Board takes must <br /> 8 be concrete, measurable and targeted. <br /> 9 Commissioner Greene said Chapel Hill has had a dedicated penny for housing fund for <br /> 10 about 6 years, and it is not legally in a lock box, and could be raided, but it has not been. She <br /> 11 said this is not all the money that is spent on housing, but rather a portion, and this is how she <br /> 12 would see this tax working. She said she does not see it as a limitation, but rather as a down <br /> 13 payment on the other things the BOCC needs to be doing. She agrees that all work in this area <br /> 14 must be done through a racial justice lens. <br /> 15 Chair Rich said she is in support of this, and it is a good first step. She said the BOCC <br /> 16 has been talking about adding solar panels to the community centers for a long time. She said <br /> 17 Chapel Hill also has other dedicated funds. She said this fund would allow the BOCC to explore <br /> 18 more grant opportunities, as many call for matching funds. She said the County will be <br /> 19 spending more money on the environment than just these funds. <br /> 20 Commissioner Marcoplos said one issue raised this evening is the question of public <br /> 21 participation on this topic, and that is why he went to the press. He said this conversation has <br /> 22 surpassed most budget topics in public participation and discussion. <br /> 23 Commissioner Marcoplos said the BOCC is doing some things in the realm of climate <br /> 24 change, but it needs to do more and learn other ways it can address climate change <br /> 25 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if Brennen Bouma, Sustainability Director, could come <br /> 26 up and talk about projects. <br /> 27 Commissioner Price asked if there is a reason that this tax is so important to have, as <br /> 28 opposed to money that is already available. <br /> 29 Commissioner Marcoplos said it shows a commitment and a minor sacrifice, and it <br /> 30 sends a message to other municipalities that this is a viable way to raise monies. <br /> 31 Commissioner Marcoplos said the BOCC does not want to have this conversation every <br /> 32 year, and hunt for money. He said the tax will allow funding to be consistently available. <br /> 33 Commissioner Greene said she would like to hear about new and existing building <br /> 34 commissioning. <br /> 35 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the BOCC is voting on any specific project this evening. <br /> 36 Chair Rich said no. <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin said given the time, and the amount of meeting yet to come, he <br /> 38 would suggest not going into specifics of projects at this time. <br /> 39 Commissioner Greene agreed with Commissioner Dorosin, and said she would like to <br /> 40 see the BOCC determine the intent and spirit behind these funds, should they become <br /> 41 available. <br /> 42 Commissioner Marcoplos said weatherization has economic and social justice benefits. <br /> 43 Chair Rich said when there is a motion on the floor, the BOCC can work on the <br /> 44 language. <br /> 45 Commissioner Greene asked Brennen Bouma if he would go through his list, and <br /> 46 explain why items are included and his rationale for putting these forward. <br /> 47 Brennen Bouma said this list is not comprehensive, but are a reasonable place to begin. <br /> 48 He said new the NC Division of Environmental Quality recognizes building commissioning as <br /> 49 being something with high payback recognizes. He said this goes further than the County has <br /> 50 typically gone. He said staff takes great care in making new building projects as efficient as <br /> 51 possible, and this is different as it hires a referee to go on site to follow up with contractors and <br />