Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 WHEREAS, Lindy Pendergrass served the people of Orange County in a law enforcement <br /> 2 capacity for 58 years; and <br /> 3 <br /> 4 WHEREAS, our entire community mourns the passing of Lindy Pendergrass on May 19, 2019 <br /> 5 and expresses our sincere sympathy to his wife, Sue Copeland Pendergrass, and family and <br /> 6 friends; <br /> 7 <br /> 8 NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, on behalf of the <br /> 9 residents of Orange County, express our deep appreciation, gratitude and respect for Lindy <br /> 10 Pendergrass, who over his lifetime provided over a half a century in law enforcement, protecting <br /> 11 the residents and visitors of Orange County. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 This the 4th day of June 2019. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> 16 the Board to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 19 <br /> 20 b. Proclamation Recognizing Lee Pavao <br /> 21 The Board considered voting to approve a proclamation recognizing the life and <br /> 22 services of Lee Pavao for the people of Orange County and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 BACKGROUND: From dedication to improving the lives of children and older adults, to <br /> 25 leadership in advancing smart, sustainable economic development, and to being a champion for <br /> 26 parks and recreational assets, Lee Pavao was a strong advocate for Orange County and North <br /> 27 Carolina. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Lee Pavao served Orange County through multiple volunteer and leadership programs including <br /> 30 the Orange County Task Force for Senior Needs in Southern Orange, the Chapel Hill Senior <br /> 31 Center, the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center, the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation <br /> 32 Commission, the Public Library Board and Foundation, the Ronald McDonald House, the <br /> 33 Orange County United Way, and the Orange County Visitors Bureau. Mr. Pavao also served on <br /> 34 the Chapel Hill Town Council for two terms and as Chapel Hill Mayor Pro Tern from 2000-2001. <br /> 35 Mr. Pavao was a long time Orange County volunteer and civic leader. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 The Board of Commissioners joins with County residents in mourning the passing of Mr. <br /> 38 Pavao at his home on May 13, 2019 surrounded by family. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Janice Tyler, Department on Aging Director, read the Proclamation: <br /> 41 <br /> 42 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 43 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING <br /> 44 LEE PAVAO <br /> 45 <br /> 46 WHEREAS, through his tireless work in various sectors of the community, Lee Pavao served <br /> 47 Orange County on multiple community and leadership programs; and <br /> 48 <br /> 49 WHEREAS, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Lee joined J. Walter <br /> 50 Thompson Company in New York and was assigned to the Miami office before being called to <br /> 51 serve with the US Army at Fort Benning from 1956-1958; and <br />