Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 would go up 1 cent. He said the County money is distributed by pupil allocation, with a <br /> 2 60/40 split between CHCCS and Orange County Schools (OCS). He said this would not <br /> 3 lead to a loss of funding, but rather an increase. <br /> 4 Commissioner Marcoplos had no comments. <br /> 5 Commissioner Price said she attended the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br /> 6 Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Capital Area MPO (CAMPO) <br /> 7 joint quarterly meeting, and there is a regional effort to move forward together. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price said the Efland community met with planning staff, and that is <br /> 9 moving forward. <br /> 10 Commissioner Price asked the County to reserve seats for particular ethnic/ racial <br /> 11 groups on various boards and commissions. She said having these voices heard on <br /> 12 certain boards is important. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price echoed what Commissioner Dorosin said about single-family <br /> 14 housing. <br /> 15 Commissioner Price said the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners; <br /> 16 Board of Directors (NCACC BOD) had a meeting this past weekend, and a committee was <br /> 17 put together to look at the LMEMCOs. <br /> 18 She said this recommendation will be sent to Secretary Cohen, and if Orange County wants <br /> 19 to change, a letter can be written to Secretary Cohen. <br /> 20 Commissioner Bedford said last week she did two one-hour webinars on tailored <br /> 21 plans and phase 1, which Orange County begins on November 1, 2019. She said those <br /> 22 receiving Medicaid services for mental health and/or substance use disorder should receive <br /> 23 letters about their providers at the end of June or early July. <br /> 24 Commissioner Bedford requested for Chair Rich to resend the Board letter to Cohen <br /> 25 with a highlight. <br /> 26 Commissioner Greene said she had no comments. <br /> 27 Commissioner McKee said he thought these budget amendments were available to <br /> 28 the public until this past weekend, and he endorsed Commissioner Dorosin's petition. He <br /> 29 said he realized this document is just the intent of the Board, but the lack of information <br /> 30 intimates a lack of transparency, and anyone that has any comments on Commissioner <br /> 31 Marcoplos' (or any other proposed amendment) will be unable to speak until the night of the <br /> 32 budget adoption. He said it is rare to make adjustments to the budget on the final night. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said there is an amendment for a 13% increase to the Board <br /> 34 of County Commissioners salaries, which would amount to a 40% cumulative increase in <br /> 35 salaries since 2015-2016, with a 30% reduction in formal meetings. <br /> 36 Chair Rich said Carrboro is celebrating Pride Month this month. <br /> 37 Chair Rich met with the various Mayors and Managers about the Greene Tract, and <br /> 38 there will be a joint community meeting in September. She said Mayor Hemminger said <br /> 39 she would put this item to a vote on the Chapel Hill Town Council at the end of September. <br /> 40 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the specifics of that, on which Chapel Hill will be <br /> 41 voting, are known. <br /> 42 Chair Rich said it would be on that which Carrboro and the County have already <br /> 43 voted: reconfiguring the Greene tract. <br /> 44 Chair Rich said if there is something on the agenda that affects the towns, she has <br /> 45 asked the clerk to send that item to the towns' clerks. She said she would like this practice <br /> 46 to exist both ways. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price referred to the energy tax proposal, and asked if Bonnie <br /> 48 Hammersley would find out more about weatherization program. <br /> 49 Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br />