Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> 1 a. Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern, and <br /> 2 designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br /> 3 sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County's population and economy <br /> 4 consistent with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br /> 5 b. Land Use Goal 2: Land uses that are appropriate to on-site environmental <br /> 6 conditions and features and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, <br /> 7 and community character. <br /> 8 c. Land Use Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program <br /> 9 and pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, <br /> 10 minimizes land use conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced <br /> 11 transportation system. <br /> 12 5. Staff has determined that the proposed subdivision is consistent with the provisions <br /> 13 and goals of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Based on this analysis, the Planning Director recommends the Major Subdivision Preliminary <br /> 16 Plat application for Fairway Hills be approved in accordance with the Resolution of Approval <br /> 17 contained within Attachment 7. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 As a general reminder, the Resolution of Approval contains declarations and conditions of <br /> 20 approval associated with this project. Said conditions are tied to specific subdivision <br /> 21 requirements, as articulated within the UDO, or are directly associated with an applicant's <br /> 22 proposal/design (i.e. percentage of open space, setbacks, minimum to maximum lot size, <br /> 23 passive recreation areas, etc.). These conditions apply to this specific request based on the <br /> 24 requirements of the UDO for major subdivision projects not exceeding 20 proposed lots. These <br /> 25 `conditions' are an attempt to memorialize applicable development standards as they relate to <br /> 26 the project and the enforcement of the UDO. The imposition of these 'conditions' should not be <br /> 27 confused with actions the County can take for Conditional Zoning or Special Use Permit <br /> 28 applications, which potentially have broader discretion and scope. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 As this project represents a regulated 'by right' subdivision, the applicant can only be held to the <br /> 31 standards contained within the UDO, specifically the provisions of Section 2.15 Major <br /> 32 Subdivisions and Article 7 Subdivisions. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Patrick Mallett, Planner ll, made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 35 <br /> 36 June 4, 2019 <br /> 37 BOCC Agenda Item 6a: <br /> 38 Fairway Hills <br /> 39 Preliminary Plat <br /> 40 Review and Recommendation for 20-lot Maior Subdivision off US Highway 70 East <br /> 41 Orange County Planning Department <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Vicinity Map <br /> 44 Vicinity Map <br /> 45 Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan <br /> 46 Growth Management System <br /> 47 Flexible Design Option: Existing Conditions <br /> 48 Site Photos <br /> 49 Site Photos <br /> 50 Site Photos <br /> 51 Site Photos <br />