Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 The Board considered applications from six (6) landowners/farms to certify qualifying <br /> 2 farmland within the Caldwell, Cedar Grove, High Rock/Efland, and Cane Creek/Buckhorn <br /> 3 Voluntary Agricultural Districts; and vote to enroll the lands in the Orange County Farmland <br /> 4 Preservation Voluntary and Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District programs. <br /> 5 Gail Hughes, Soil Conservationist, and Commissioner McKee will recuse themselves <br /> 6 when talking about the McKee Farm. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 BACKGROUND: Orange County's Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program started in 1992. <br /> 9 There are 109 farms in both the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) and the Enhanced <br /> 10 Voluntary Agricultural District (EVAD) program totaling 14,303* acres as of December 2018. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 The County's Voluntary Farmland Protection Ordinance (VFPO) outlines a procedure for the <br /> 13 Agricultural Preservation Board to review and approve applications for qualifying farmland, and <br /> 14 to make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning the establishment and <br /> 15 modification of agricultural districts. Section VII of the VFPO contains the requirements for <br /> 16 inclusion in a voluntary agricultural district. To be certified as qualifying farmland, a farm must: <br /> 17 a) Be located in the unincorporated area of Orange County; <br /> 18 b) Be engaged in Agriculture as that word is defined in NC GS 106-581.1 <br /> 19 c) Be certified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United <br /> 20 States Department of Agriculture as being a farm on which at least two-thirds of the <br /> 21 land is composed of soils that are best suited for providing food, seed, fiber, forage, <br /> 22 timber, forestry products, horticultural crops and oil seed crops; <br /> 23 d) Be managed in accordance with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and <br /> 24 NC Soil and Water Conservation Service defined erosion-control practices that are <br /> 25 addressed to said highly-erodible land; and have a current conservation farm plan <br /> 26 and/or forestry management plan associated with the current usages and owner; <br /> 27 e) Be the subject of a non-binding conservation agreement, as defined in N.C.G.S. <br /> 28 §121-35, between the County and the owner that prohibits non-farm use or <br /> 29 development of such land for a period of at least ten years, except for the creation of <br /> 30 not more than three lots that meet applicable County zoning and subdivision <br /> 31 regulations. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 The Orange County Agricultural Preservation Board reviewed the findings of the staff <br /> 34 assessments for the attached applications for the Orange County Voluntary Agricultural District <br /> 35 program at the March and May 2019 meetings. All farm applications were reviewed and verified <br /> 36 to have met or exceeded the minimum criteria for certification into the program. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 The Agricultural Preservation Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the <br /> 39 certification for six (6) farms and their inclusion in the Voluntary and/or the Enhanced Voluntary <br /> 40 Agricultural District program. The certification documentation is on file in the DEAPR/Soil and <br /> 41 Water Conservation District office. The farms are described briefly below: <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Brief Farm Descriptions: <br /> 44 1) Owners, Lynn and Teresa Holloway, and Alene Holloway, have submitted an application <br /> 45 to enroll three (3) parcels of land totaling 122.05 acres as qualifying farmland for the <br /> 46 Voluntary Agricultural District program (VAD) in the Cedar Grove Agricultural District. <br /> 47 The farm operation includes tobacco, small grains, and managed woodland. The farm <br /> 48 has been evaluated against each of the VAD certification requirement standards and <br /> 49 meets or exceeds all of the measures above. <br /> 50 2) Owners, Howard and Karen McAdams (McAdams Farm), have submitted an application <br /> 51 to enroll one (1) of parcel of land totaling 22.68 acres as qualifying farmland for the <br />