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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 3, 2019 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 6-a <br /> SUBJECT: Format for the 2019 Orange County Summit <br /> DEPARTMENT: Economic Development and <br /> Community Relations <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Todd McGee, (919) 245-2302 <br /> Steve Brantley, (919) 245-2326 <br /> PURPOSE: To approve the framework for the 2019 Orange County Summit and to assign roles <br /> for members of the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Board of County Commissioners appropriated $30,000 in the FY 2017- <br /> 18 budget from the Article 46 sales tax to host an Economic Development Summit in 2018. The <br /> BOCC chose to partner with WCHL to broadcast the summit on the radio. The summit occurred <br /> on October 17, 2018, from 3 — 7 p.m. <br /> Given the positive feedback generated from the inaugural summit, staff proposes hosting <br /> another summit on October 16, 2019. This event would be held at the Whitted Building and <br /> would be co-broadcast on the County's cable television channel. <br /> After last year's summit, staff and representatives from WCHL met several times and also <br /> solicited feedback from the BOCC on ways to improve the next summit. Among the proposals <br /> offered were to broaden the scope beyond economic development to include other County <br /> initiatives and issues, such as affordable housing and transportation. <br /> Topics and Panels (3:00 — 7:00 PM) <br /> Hour 1 <br /> • First segment: BOCC's Approach to Social Justice <br /> Lead panelist: Penny Rich, Chair, Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> • Second segment: Affordable Housing <br /> Lead panelist: Dolores Bailey, EmPOWERment <br /> Guest panelists: Representative from Community Home Trust; Corey Root, Partnership to <br /> End Homelessness <br /> Commissioner: TBD <br /> Hour 2: <br /> • First segment: Public Transportation <br /> Lead panelist: Theo Letman, Orange County Public Transportation <br />