Orange County NC Website
Limited Obligation Sonds Terms <br /> ➢ Security Pledge- Annual Appropriations and County collateral of Southern <br /> Campus, Seymour Center and Northern Campus Site added to Master Deed of <br /> Trust <br /> ➢ Maturity Term- 5- 20 Year maturities matches with the useful life of the assets <br /> ➢ Estimated Interest Rates- 2-3% subject to market conditions <br /> ➢ Source of Repayment- Property Tax and Sportsplex Fees <br /> ➢ Subordinate Lien to General Obligation Bonds <br /> ➢ Current and Projected Ratings- Aa1/AA+/AA+ from Moody's, Standard & Poor's <br /> and Fitch Ratings <br /> ➢ LGC Approval required <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br />