Orange County NC Website
Delegation of Authority per NCGS 105-381 INFORMATION ITEM- RELEASES AND REFUNDS UNDER$100 <br /> To Finance Officer <br /> September 3,2019 <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE TAX FEE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT CLASSIFICATION ACTION Approved by CFO Additional Explanation <br /> Gap bill-NO gap in registration;renewal date cnanged by North Carolina <br /> Alvarez,Araceli Portillo 1069682 2017 7,070 - (5.53) (5.53) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 7/5/2019 Department of Motor Vehicles <br /> Bailey,Aaron 43859683 2018 26,450 21,008 (86.01) (86.01) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 8/6/2019 <br /> Bridges,Keven 48370796 2018 51000 5,000 (36.85) (30.00) (66.85) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Bridges,Keven 48370796 2018 51000 500 (40.93) (40.93) Antique plate(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Coe,Donald 49013962 2018 1,010 500 (4.89) (4.89)Antique plate(property classification) RMV-VTS Approve 8/6/2019 <br /> Council,Barbara 47233648 2018 10,590 2,594 (75.74) (75.74) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Gap bill-Vehicle located in Alamance County per North Carolina Department <br /> Covington,Kevin Leon 1068782 2017 9,110 - (49.26) (49.26) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 7/5/2019 of Motor Vehicles <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2013 1,000 - (9.38) (9.38) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 1 8/6/2019 uouDle Dlllea,also on account luou84z <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2014 900 - (8.62) (8.62) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Double billed,also on account 1050842 <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2015 810 - (7.76) (7.76) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Double billed,also on account 1050842 <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2016 729 - (6.98) (6.98) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Double billed,also on account 1050842 <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2017 1,000 - (9.25) (9.25) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Double billed,also on account 1050842 <br /> Dunnagan,James 1017394 2018 1,000 - (9.47) (9.47) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Double billed,also on account 1050842 <br /> Elmore,Jeffrey Clinton 1059402 2018 1,560 - (15.77) (15.77) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 6/7/2019 uap Dill:venue was Dlllea as registered motor venlcle Tor same time penoa. <br /> Evans,Kimberly 46741471 2018 8,270 8,270 (59.15) (30.00) (89.15) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Evans,Travis Antoinne 48571744 2018 3,380 3,380 (54.17) (54.17) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/5/2019 <br /> rails,Janet 5 I rustee lUtiti2U/ 2ultt 2,000 (31.151) (31.ti1) Assessed In error(illegal Tax) Personal Approve U/z1/ZU19^a'1`1 upv,ty—lu uuiie-11,I —Vv.I--P. P—y+value ieiuuveu <br /> Fogg,John M 1066192 2018 3,500 - (55.30) (55.30) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve biz Ilzu I Real property sold August 2u11,n0 longer rental property,value removed <br /> Grace Independent Baptist Church 1067474 2018 3,650 - (11.18) (11.18) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 7/17/2019 Gap Bill-exempt vehicle G.5.105-278.3-religious purpose <br /> Hauser,Bonicca 47267963 2018 42,235 38,011 (38.79) (38.79) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Huntsman,Linnie 48932193 2019 19,100 19,100 (34.61) (34.61) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 8/6/2019 <br /> Johnson,Judith Williams 1069726 2018 14,890 - (11.53) (11.53) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 No gap In venlcle registration exists. Keglstratlon renewed and the license <br /> Karr,April 3U3/53/5 2ultt ti,95U 0,6356 (1ti.34) (1 U.34) High mileage(appraisal appeal) KMV-V Is Approve b/b/ZU19 <br /> Kessler,Adam Ilmotny 4/9918b2 ZU18 ti,blu bbu (bb.zu) (55.20) value adjustment(appraisal appeal) KMV-V IS Approve b/nzu19 <br /> Lemon,jtamey 1U//211 2ultt 4,42U 11101 (till 11) (63.11) PUrcnase price(appraisal appeal) Personal Approve //5/ZU19 <br /> Linder,John 42059693 2018 22,620 18,125 (59.34) (59.34) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Lo Blanco,Snella 1839/815 ZU16 9,93U ti,93U (49.4U) (49.4u) Damage(appraisal appeal) KMV-V I S Approve 8/6/ZU19 <br /> Locklear,James 324249 2015 950 - (9.13) (9.13) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Billed in error mobile home removed,not on property <br /> Locklear,James 324249 2016 950 - (9.13) (9.13) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Billed in error mobile home removed,not on property <br /> Locklear,James 324249 2017 950 - (8.83) (8.83) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Bulea in error mome nome removea,not on property <br /> Locklear,James 324249 2018 950 (8.95) (8.95) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 Billed in error mobile home removed,not on property <br /> Lynch,Vickie 48679609 2018 11,480 11,480 (7.63) (7.63) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Lynch,Vickie 48679609 2018 11,480 8,036 (54.42) (54.42) High mileage(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> McFarland Septic LLC 32802670 2016 7,560 7,560 (54.28) (30.00) (84.28) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/5/2019 <br /> McFarland Septic LLC 40141589 2017 6,280 6,280 (47.11) (30.00) (77.11) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/5/2019 <br /> McFarland,Waylon Eldridge Jr 26688393 2014 2,500 2,500 (17.95) (30.00) (47.95) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Mills,Nathaniel 1066217 2018 500 (8.23) (8.23) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 6/21/2019 Real property sold January 2017,no longer rental property,value removed <br /> Petty,Tyler Kevin 48800910 2019 8,430 6,322 (20.22) (2022). Condition(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 7/17/2019 <br /> Royster,Mark 47540117 2018 259 259 (1.29) (1.29) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Royster,Mark 47540107 2018 4,780 4,780 (53.78) (53.78) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Schmidt,Marguerite 16107896 2018 7,580 6,367 (19.17) (19.17) High mileage(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Smith,Stephen 48409320 2018 2,310 (68.60) (68.60) Military exemption(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Stutts,James 41146701 2018 52,041 43,925 (76.45) (76.45) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Symes,Scoff 1066151 2018 1,500 (23.71) (23.71) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 8/6/2019 No longer rental property,sold March 2017 <br /> Thomas,Donald 48112057 2018 3,000 500 (23.55) (23.55) Antique plate(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Tschiderer,Linda 32135033 2018 21,178 19,998 (10.99) (10.99) Value adjustment(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/7/2019 <br /> Vickery,Jean 1067369 2017 500 5.23 5.23 Assessed in error(illegal tax Personal Approve 6/21/2019 Gap bill:vehicle donated in September 2017,no a gap in registration <br /> Weiler,Stehpen 48650173 2018 2,400 1,200 (10.92) (10.92) High mileage(appraisal appeal) RMV-VTS Approve 6/21/2019 <br /> Wilson,Charles 3176258 2018 8,860 (34.77) (34.77) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 7/17/2019 Gap bill-no qap in registration;valid change in license plate <br /> Wilson,Thaddeus 1076188 2018 2,800 (93.77) (93.77) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 7/17/2019 Gap bill-vehicle registered in Texas during gap period <br /> Woods,Wesley 48460287 2018 3,380 3,380 (25.01) (30.00) (55.01) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 8/6/2019 <br /> Wray,Steven 1066159 2018 1,000 (15.80) (15.80) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 6/21/2019 Real property sold April 2017,no longer rental property,value removed <br /> (1,815.09)Total <br /> *Situs error:An incorrect rate code was used to calculate bill.Value remains constant but bill amount changes due to the chan a in specific tax rates applied to that physical location. <br /> Ga Bill:A roparty tax bill that covers the months between the ex iration of a vehicle's registration and the renewal of that re istration or the issuance of a new registration. <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes.Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or refund of all associated interest,penalties,fees, <br /> and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> May 23,2019 thru August 14,2019 <br /> 1 <br />