Orange County NC Website
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EM FORM 66A <br />(EMERGENCE.' MANAGEMENT GRANT PROGRAM (EMGP) AGREEMENT <br />RESULTS LIST) <br />The State and Federal required activities aze listed on EM Form 66A (Federal/State/EMGP Agreement Results <br />ll5t). <br />It is important that the Finance Officer acid the local Chief Executive Officer have information and knowledge of <br />the local EM program and the financial status of the local EM Agency. By coordinating the prob am emphasis <br />with your county officials, the State's "Comprehensive Emergency Management Criteria" and the State and <br />Fed?gal required activities, your partnership agreement should serve as a master plan for the year's activities. <br />The EMGP Activities Results list requires the signature of the local EM Coordinator, the local Finance Offir;,•r, <br />and the Chief Executive Officer (the last may be the same individual). <br />Your EMGP for FY'200i will be monitored quarterly by your Area Coordinator. Specific quarters will not be <br />assigned for FY'"?001 work. This enables added flexibility, in the planning and execution of your objectives. <br />REPORTII\TG <br />EMGP Reports are required. These reports serve a vital role in the evaluation of your agency's performance in <br />the completion of scheduled activities. and in the preparation of reports the State must provide to FEMA. <br />~~ our r_ eports will be made b our Area Coordinator after uarterl consultations no later than 10 davs following <br />the end of eat[, ;quarter. Each report (after the initial report) will incorporate and supercede the prior report. <br />The Division does recognize that circumstances may prevent the accomplishment of a scheduled activity. All <br />request for revisions (rescheduling or substitution of an equivalent activitvl must be,iustified in_writine to the <br />Director of Emer~enc~~ Management,, throutrh the a ro riate Branch Manager. <br />9 <br />7 <br />