Orange County NC Website
10 <br />FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL FYZ001 EMGP AGREEMENT <br />AGENCY: Orange County Emergency Management <br />This is to certify that the above names agency agrees to successfully complete the activities below in full <br />partnership with the North Cazolina Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency. The appropriate Branch Manager and/or Area Coordinator will review the <br />progress of this agreement quarterly with the local Emergency Management Coardinator. This report will <br />also be the basis for continued funding during this f scal year. <br />Please list in priority the Emergency Management activities you will work on or complete this fiscal year. <br />However, as outlined in the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety's Strategic Plan, you are <br />requested to complete the following activity: <br />2001.1 Formulate/Complete your County Capability Assessment of Readiness (CAR) tool. <br />Completion of this assessment toll will provide you more insight as to which local emergency programs <br />to implement that will enhance local capabilities for delivering pre and post disaster services. <br />