2019-540-E Finance - Dispute Settlement Center Intergovernmental Collaboration agreement
Board of County Commissioners
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2019-540-E Finance - Dispute Settlement Center Intergovernmental Collaboration agreement
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Last modified
8/28/2019 3:23:51 PM
Creation date
8/27/2019 1:49:13 PM
Contract Starting Date
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Agreement - Consulting
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2019-900-E Finance - Dispute Settlement Center Intergovernmental Collaboration amendment
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R 2019-540 Finance - Dispute Settlement Center Intergovernmental Collaboration agreement
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Exhibit A <br />Memorandum of Agreement between <br />Orange County and Dispute Settlement Center (DSC) <br />July 18, 2019 <br /> <br /> <br />1. DSC will provide facilitation services to Orange County in support of its Intergovernmental Collaboration <br />Pilot Project, August, 2019-September, 2020. The overarching purpose of this project is to strengthen <br />collaboration between Orange County and its local municipalities (Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough <br />and Mebane) while advancing the County’s social justice goals. <br />2. DSC will designate Maggie Ellis Chotas as the lead contact for this project. <br /> <br />3. In order to reach the goals of the project, Maggie Chotas of the DSC will conduct meetings with each <br />work group, which will consist of the following steps: <br />a) Schedule two-hour meetings with each of the four work groups. <br />b) Solicit agenda items from members of each work group. <br />c) Draft agendas for each work group based on input from members and share with the County <br />Manager’s office and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the OCBOCC for feedback. <br />d) Finalize agendas that incorporate input. <br />e) Facilitate meetings and provide summary notes within two weeks of meetings. <br />f) Evaluate each work group via an electronic survey distributed to members. Summarize evaluation <br />data per meeting. <br /> In addition to the steps above, Maggie Chotas will provide an evaluation of the pilot phase to the Board <br />of Commissioners for review at its September 2020 meeting. The evaluation will include analysis of how <br />well the work groups met their goals and recommendations for next steps. <br /> <br />4. Orange County will provide or reimburse DSC for all materials and logistics necessary for this project, <br />including but not limited to meeting space, supplies and parking. <br /> <br />5. In consideration for DSC’s services described herein, Orange County will pay DSC $150 an hour for all time <br />provided by DSC to this project, including but not limited to time in travel, preparation, planning, <br />consultations, set up, follow-up, evaluation. <br /> <br />6. Orange County will pay DSC’s invoices within 30 days of receipt. Checks will be made payable to the order <br />of the Dispute Settlement Center and mailed or delivered to DSC, 302 Weaver Street, Carrboro, NC 27510. <br />DSC federal tax identification number is F56-1216584. <br /> <br />7. If one or more disputes related to this contract emerge between DSC and Orange County, then all relevant <br />parties will seek resolution of the dispute by face-to-face problem-solving, facilitated by a mutually <br />agreeable third party if necessary, before taking the grievance for resolution to any outside authority. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A69442D0-B0DB-4408-99AF-E63626C62761
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