CFE agenda 081219
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 081219
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Last modified
8/23/2019 1:07:08 PM
Creation date
8/23/2019 1:07:03 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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photos that were used were taken in Orange County or not. Group stated that the <br />photos should be only from Orange County. <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items <br />Ward initiated discussion of the proposed ¼ cent property tax devoted to combating <br />climate change that will be considered by the BOCC tomorrow evening. He <br />estimated that the tax would raise about $450,000 each year. Bouma has <br />assembled some ideas for how these funds could be used, including weatherization <br />of low income housing, other energy efficiency efforts, etc. The BOCC will be <br />meeting tomorrow to debate and possibly adopt the proposed budget. Parry <br />indicated that some of the BOCC members appeared to be on the fence concerning <br />this item. He also discussed emails that are circulating that include bullet points of <br />items supporting this proposed tax. Eichel asked how closely related this issue was <br />to affordable housing, which the BOCC is very interested in currently. Ward was <br />unsure of the tie-in to this issue. Piracci thought that the BOCC members were <br />concerned that this proposed tax has not gone through the entire budget process as <br />it only came to light recently. Parry re-emphasized his desire to craft something to <br />send to the BOCC indicating the CFE support for this proposed tax. Parry also said <br />that the BOCC may welcome the support of the CFE. Members asked how they <br />could proceed at this late time and date. Piracci made a motion that some of the <br />CFE members come up with some info that they would send to Saul and he would <br />craft a document to send to the BOCC in support of the proposed tax. Further <br />discussion ensued of who might be able to put together this document. Saul said it <br />could possibly be a very short document. Ward suggested putting together a small <br />committee and having them put something together that would be forwarded to the <br />BOCC before their meeting tomorrow. Piracci withdrew her motion, and then the <br />members decided to quickly draft an email in support of this proposal that the CFE <br />could vote on. The CFE then crafted a short message of support. Eichel offered a <br />motion in support of the message to be sent to the BOCC byt the Chair which was <br />seconded by Parry and then approved unanimously. Parry said he would send it to <br />Saul and staff and then Saul would forward it to the BOCC. <br />IX. Adjournment <br />Parry offered a motion to adjourn at 9:11, this was second by Ward and approved <br />unanimously by the CFE members.
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