Orange County NC Website
NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LRKE TEL~919-528-9839 Nov 07'00 19 45 No,005 P.03 <br />~~ <br />~ I~ort~i ' <br />.. _ _ ._. __, Carol~n.a Wildlife Resources Camxriission I~ <br />Cl~arlea R Pullwnoil,~Exccurave Director <br />MEM(aRANDUM <br />TO. Melba. McCcc, Environmental Coordinator <br />QI'(ice of Legislative and interga crnntental Affairs <br />FRDM: Danielle R Pender, Piedmont Region Coordinator <br />t lal7itat Conserv$don Pmgram <br />DATE: 7 hlavcmbcr 20dQ <br />SUDJrCT: Environmental Assessment for Master Plan fqr The Preserve, 1 `` American Land, <br />HillShc~raugh 'lbwnslup, Orange County, Project No. O1E-0237 <br />$inlubists with the North Carolina. Wildlife Resources Commission have reviCwed the <br />subject Environmental Assessment. Our comments a~ provided is dccvrdancc with provisions <br />of the Fish and V!/ildlife Coordination Act (48 5tat. 401, 0s amended; ]G U.S.L'. dbl et seq.), <br />North Cmralina Lnuimnmenldl Policy Act {G.S. 113A-1 through 113A-10; 1 NCAC 25), and <br />North Carolina Genera! Statues (G.5, 11~-]31 ct seq.). <br />1 g` American Land has prapc-sed a mastet• plan fora 47'0-acre Planned Development, The <br />Preserve, loaatcd na~rth of iTillsbaraugh 8uijacent tQ the prepared Northern Bypass between NC <br />8G and NC 57. 'ir,~ site is in 4he Hillsborough Township atld i5 proposed to be on the 'l'awn of <br />F~illsborouth water and sewer systems. Tho proposal is #q rezone the entire Traci from <br />Agricultural Residential to Planned Development-Mixed Use with a Class A Slaecial Use <br />Permit_ '1~1~; project consists afmulti-family, sittglo-family, limited commercial and <br />public/institutianal uses, Fallowing conceptual approval of this proaect phase, each individual <br />pod will return fir a modification to the Special Use Permit and subdivision approval as <br />develapmen[ iti proposed. <br />We arc primarily concerned with the proposed project's potential adv~e impacts to <br />wildlife and f sh4rics habitats. The applicant indicates that the 100-year floodplain located along <br />the southern boundary ~~f the site surrounding Strowd's Creek will ba dedicated as undisturbed <br />open sprac:c/natural area; hc~wc;vCr, there is ttb mention of the acrers5e to be dedu:aled. The <br />