Orange County NC Website
<br />"d6(A)"), as defined by the ANSI Standards). "A" weighting de-emphasizes <br />the very low and very high frequency components of sound in a manner <br />similar to the response of the human ear, <br />(3) dg(A): Sound level in decibels determined by the "A" weighting scale, <br />(4) Decibel: A unit of or level used to measure sound intensity, equal to the <br />logarithm of the ratio of the intensity of the sound to a reference pressure. <br />(5) Impact Sound; Sound that occurs intermittently rather than continuously. <br />(6) Motor Vehicle: Any motor vehicle as defined by N.C. Gen. Statutes § 20- <br />4,01(23), or its successor Statute. <br />(7) Noise: Includes any sound or source of sound prohibited by Article II of this <br />Ordinance, or any Unreasonably Laud and Disturbing Noise as defined herein <br />and prohibited by subsection (1) of Article III of this Ordinance, or any sound <br />that exceeds the maximum permissible sound levels set by subsection (2) of <br />Article III and measured as set forth in Article IV of this Ordinance, <br />(8) Person: Any individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation or business <br />entity, <br />(9) Receiving_Land: Property that receives the transmission of noise or other <br />sound that is generated on other property, <br />(10) Amplified: Any increase of sound by the use of mechanical or electronic <br />equipment. <br />(11) Sound Level: In decibels, a weighted sound pressure level on the "A" <br />weighting scale determined by the use of a sound level meter whose <br />characteristics and frequency weightings are specified in the ANSI Standards, <br />(12) Sound Level Meter: Any type three instrument certified to meet or exceed <br />ANSI Standards, which includes an omni-directional microphone, an output <br />meter and frequency weighting network(s), and other mechanisms for the <br />measurement of sound level, <br />(13) Unreasonably Loud and Disturbinq Noise: Any sound which is substantially <br />incompatible with the time and location where created, and which is <br />perceived by a person of ordinary sensibilities as interrupting the normal <br />peace and calm of the receiving land, The following factors incident to <br />unreasonably loud and disturbing noise shall be considered: time of day; <br />proximity to residential structures; whether the sound is recurrent, <br />