<br />0~2
<br />1. The landscape plan is prepared and certified by a licensed landscape architect.
<br />2. The landsca a Ian includes a com rehensive site.anal sis documentin existin drama a atterns, includin ~~"}`~`~~:~~
<br />P p p Y 9 9 9 P 9 .
<br />wetlands, floodplains, and hydric soils; and existing natural and cultural features, including forest lands, natural areas, ~~~~~~;f~,•
<br />and wildlife habitats, stee slopes, eologic features, archaeolo ical sites, and historic sites and structures. `;~.,,;?;.::.:.
<br />3. The landscape plan shows the layout of the entire project, including its relationship to surrounding properties and the ~~;: ~.€:>~~>
<br />manner in which it adheres to the schematic Ions, erformance standards, and desi n criteria. 4i:>~s: ~;~~~;v.:;<;
<br />Note: No site, building or structure maybe occupied for the use until all aspects of the landscape plan have been carried out or a
<br />performance bond, letter of credit or other guarantee of improvements has been provided to Orange County.
<br />Preservation of Existing Features:
<br />1. Natural features such as streams and ponds, hillsides, rock formations, unique vegetation and natural areas, wildlife
<br /> habitats, and other similar features are incorporated into the overall development concept.
<br />2. Existing rivers, streams, and ponds and their drainage areas are protected and used to create a network of open
<br /> space, accommodate the natural flow of water, serve as utility easement, and buffer more intensive nonresidential
<br /> uses from nei hborin residential areas.
<br />3. Property contains perennial and intermittent. streams or major drainage svvales, has a minimum 50-foot wide stream ~:>;~~~;`w~~:
<br />;~
<br /> corridor designated along both sides of the water feature. .>:
<br />'~;
<br />4. If stream corridors are required, they must to be expanded to include steep slopes, floodplains, wetlands, and natural ~• ~~~~'~ ~~~'
<br /> areas as identified in the OG Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats. .:>. ' . :"
<br />5. The landsca a Ian desi Hates the removal of an roundcover and trees within the desi Hated o ens ace areas. ~~">~~~~~'~n`~~~~~
<br />6. Building sites, parking areas, and other uses are situated in such a way as to protect existing tree stack having a ~ •.:{ •y
<br />
<br />diameter of one-foot or greater when measured four and a half feet above ground level. ~ :>
<br />;<;>;•.%.,: ~.~:
<br />7. Trees to be saved noted on the landsca a Ian and a ro riots measures outlined to rotect the tree stock form %''`'` ~'~~~:'.<
<br /> damage during construction. iY~lu<>Fr>
<br />
<br />8.
<br />Where possible, trees are protected in stands or clusters, :~.:;:;
<br />~?<:^~F..;f:<..,~
<br />9. The siting of buildings takes advantage of scenic views.
<br />10. The site organization considers the impact of new structures on views from off-site.
<br />11. Access to views is preserved for adjacent property owners and passing motorists.
<br />12. Scenic views and visual elements are within the visual corridor identified and preserved where possible.
<br />Buffering Neighboring Uses: No radin unless to dri line fence off buffers lus setback
<br />1. A buffer of 100-feet in width (except as otherwise provided) is required .at the boundary of the EDD and 100' a ong .~` <~{:h,: •~..;~.,_:
<br />4
<br />~
<br />•
<br /> roadwa corridor Old 86 and New 86 exce t 50' at Linear Office. .
<br />•_
<br />;•.
<br />''^°'`~~~~-~~''`
<br />2. In the Buckhorn Road EDD, a buffer of 150-feet is required on the portion of the boundary adjacent to the Clearview :~`i'~i~ <~<
<br /> Subdivision and ad'oinin residential area on the north side of West Ten Road. :%~~~:>::•>~<?":
<br />3. A buffer of 100-feet is required adjacent to the right-of--way of interstate highways. .,•; .~,~>~_~;~;<.;
<br />A. Screening between adjacent land uses shall be provided in accordance with the attached Schedule of Land Use .,.~_;~i~:,.<:~
<br /> Buffers. Y~:<.,:~ ~•'~#~_c:
<br />5. Buffers may consist of existing wooded areas. If existing vegetation is not sufficient for screening, a planted buffer ~`~ ~~~=~~<>
<br />~:,<: •.
<br /> shall be augmented and interspersed, consisting of 50-75% evergreen trees reaching a minimum mature height of 30- :. •<::~~~'
<br />~
<br />~
<br /> feet. $~:3 ~:>~. :
<br />~
<br />6 and pedestrian paths are permitted within the required buffers.
<br />Access drives
<br />utilities ,::y •{ ~~
<br />. ,
<br />, .
<br />•. 3.
<br />
<br />7
<br />etc. are permitted within a required buffer.
<br />or storage
<br />drainage
<br />parking
<br />No land disturbances far buildings F'." ~ .
<br />~~~;f:,~~".
<br />. ,
<br />,
<br />,
<br />,
<br />8 Access and utilit crossin s are to be made er endicular to the len th of the buffer. ~'<
<br />~~:>:~::;.~~.~•.
<br />. ,
<br />9. Limited breaks in required interstate buffers rrlay be allowed if they are well designed and provide a scenic vista or ~~•"~;~':~~
<br /> landscaped area. No more than one break perlot shall be permitted, and the break shall constitute no more than ; `;:_~Y
<br /> 25% of the interstate fronts e. • • :.~~~`:-~'
<br />Landscaped Parking Areas:
<br />