Orange County NC Website
2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ; <br />i~~~ <br />MAXIMUM PERMITTED SOUND LEVELS <br />Noise Level Limits [d8(A)] '~~~:::>: <br />For Generatin Land Use Cate a ~ .•'<~F~: <br />::.t 44}4 ~ <br />Receiving Land use Gate o 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. •~~~`:''~ ,x>': <br />Residential develo ment of all t es 45 50 ;M1~~' ~° •~~~~;_ <br />Commercial, including office, service, and retail .~ k~~:<: <br />establishments 55 50 ~ ~~:~w: <br />Light industrial, including distribution and ;:~:::;..>.F f <br />warehousin facilities fi5 fi0 ~~ : ¢~:~~-~?>:;~ <br />€~=:;.:< <br />Footnotes: .r 4:•,::-«~; <br />1) Impact noises or sounds that occur intermittently rather than continuously are permissible up to a level of 10 d6(A) in ;::::r>~<;{. <br />excess of the figures listed in the table provided the source from which they are generated does not operate more ''~ :>rx:~:~ <br />than one minute in any one hour. This exception shall not apply from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. when the adjacent lot is ~~~~~ ~~{;_ <br />used or zoned for residential ur oses. , ~.:. ;: <br />2) Noise levels resulting from construction or other temporary activities which occur between the hours of.7:00 a.m. and `~ ' ~~ ~`"' <br />7:00 .m. are exem t from the standards listed in the table. ~~ ~+~F~Ix <br />/jir ronui~on: <br />