Orange County NC Website
~' V A./ V ' <br />Landscape Volume Ratio: <br />VR ~ (VT + VB) /70 Where: <br />A~ <br />VT =Volume of Trees <br />VB =Volume ofi Berms <br />A =Site or Lot Area <br />VT -Tree Volume: Tree volume is much more than the volume of trees on a site. It includes existing wooded areas retained <br />during the construction process, installed trees, both large and small, shrubs of varying sixes, and berms installed far screening <br />purposed. Tree volume does not include lawn areas or ground covers. <br />Tree volume is calculated as follows: <br />PLANT <br />MATERIAL <br />1 ~ Feet <br />HEIGHT <br />CANOPY <br />SPREAD <br />Site Volume Ratio (SVR): Site Volume Ratio (SVR) is the volume of building, parking, exterior stoi <br />compared to the volume of landscape features such as trees and shrubs on a site, Specifically, the <br />between Landscape Volume Ratio and Building Volume Ratio (SVR = LVR --BVR). <br />AREA <br />r <br />ana ioaaing areas <br />is equal to the difference <br />The 5VR sets the land use intensity standard that projects in the EDD must meet. The following table establishes the minimum <br />5VR for each category of land use permitted in the Economic Development District. Proposed developments must meet or <br />exceed the following ratios: _._ <br />Minimum Re wired Site Volume Ratios <br />Required SVR <br />Land Use Primary, Primary I, Primary Overlay, Primary n Areas <br />and Seconds Areas <br />Residential 2.0 $.0 <br />7.0 <br />riex space, <br />Distribution <br />tl 1.0 z.u <br />~dustrial use is considered to be any use which involves the assembly, production or manufacture of <br />Goods or materials. The intensity or impacts of industrial use depends on the nature of the specific activity. For example, <br />electronics assembly would be considered an industrial use, but would have little potential for pollution, high water use or <br />other impacts. which are often perceived as bein associated with industrial activit . <br />