Agenda - 02-26-2001-c2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-26-2001
Agenda - 02-26-2001-c2
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Last modified
9/2/2008 9:03:54 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:28:59 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 02-26-2001
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<br />4. The number of graphic elements on a sign shall be held to <br />the minimum needed to convey the sign's major message and shall <br />be composed in proportion to the total area of the sign face. <br />5. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 7 feet in height and shall <br />not be pole-mourited. <br />f) Maintenance, planning and design factors. <br />1. Materials and finishes shall be selected for their durability and <br />wear as well as far their beauty. Proper measures and devices shalt <br />be incorporated for protection against the elements, neglect,. <br />damage, and abuse. <br />2. Provisions for cleaning buildings and structures and control of <br />dirt and refuse shall be included in the design. Configurations that <br />tend to accumulate debris and dirt shall be avoided. <br />g) Transportation Network Capacity <br />C. Master Develo ment Plan Provisions <br />1) The Master Development Plan shall show, through a combination of graphic <br />means and text (including without limitation proposed conditions to be included <br />in the Special Use Permit, Class A for the proposed development): <br />a. The total tract acreage along with location, types, maximum floor areas <br />and impervious surface areas far non-residential and multifamily uses. <br />b. The location and orientation of buildings, parking areas, recreational <br />facilities, and open spaces; <br />c. Proposed access points and circulation systems for vehicles, bicycles, <br />and pedestrians; <br />d. Preservation of unique natural or constructed features, including <br />retention of existing vegetation and showing all district buffers; <br />e. Right-of--way in accordance with transportation plan; <br />f. Visual impact from along major transportation corridors; <br />g. How the development plans to use design and architectural controls as <br />well as screening and landscaping to ensure that the design flexibility <br />provided in the proposed Planned Development district produces a high <br />quality development. Calory shall be diverse and .harmonious and a <br />palette of colors shall be submitted for approval. One color should not <br />dominate any palette and bright colors should be used as accents only; <br />h. How the development proposes to minimize or mitigate any adverse <br />impacts on neighboring properties and the environment, including <br />without limitation impacts from traffic and stormwater runoff; <br />2) The Planning Board (and other advisory boards to which the Board of <br />County Commissioners ,may refer the application) shall review the <br />proposed Master .Development Plan and Special Use Permit, Class A <br />application at the same time it considers the petitioner's rezoning request. <br />In response to suggestions made by the Planning Board (or other advisory <br />boards), the applicant may revise the Master Development Plan and <br />Special Use Permit, Class A application before it is returned to the Board of <br />County Commissioners provided the changes are in response to items <br />
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