Agenda - 02-26-2001-c2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-26-2001
Agenda - 02-26-2001-c2
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9/2/2008 9:03:54 AM
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8/29/2008 10:28:59 AM
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Minutes - 02-26-2001
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ono <br />Standards generally <br />a) Harmonious and e~cient organization. The site plan shall be <br />organized harmoniously and efficiently in relation to existing topography, <br />the size and type of plot, the character of adjoining properly, and the type <br />and size of buildings. The site will be developed to facilitate orderly <br />development of surrounding property and with minimal disturbance to the <br />natural environment. <br />b) Preservafion of natural state. Desirable vegetation or other unique <br />natural features shall be preserved in their natural state when practical. <br />The Environmental Protection Plan shall include the locations of all existing <br />trees 12"diameter four feet above the ground. <br />c) Enhancemenf of residential privacy. The site plan shall provide <br />reasonable visual, lighting, and sound privacy for all adjacent dwelling <br />units. <br />d) Emergency access. Structures and other site features shall be <br />arranged to permit practical emergency vehicle access to all sides of <br />buildings. <br />e) Access to public ways. Every structure and dwelling unit shall have <br />access to a public street, walkway or other area dedicated to common use. <br />f) Non-motorized circulafion. Anon-motorized circulation. system shall <br />be provided which is direct, efficient, and pleasant. The system shall be <br />complementary to, but independent of the vehicular circulation system. <br />g) Design of access and egress drives. The location, size, and <br />numbers of ingress and egress drives to a site will be strictly limited to <br />minimize the negative impacts on public streets and on adjacent property. <br />This shall include formal entryways and access to outparcels from inside <br />the development only. <br />h) Coordination with off-site circulation systems. The arrangement of <br />rights-of-way or easements for circulation shall coordinate with the pattern <br />of existing and planned streets, pedestrian and/or bicycle pathways and <br />transit routes in the area. Connection to adjacent properties is encouraged <br />where possible. <br />i) Stonnwafer canfrol. Protective measures shall ensure that removal <br />of stormwater runoff will not adversely affect neighboring properties or the <br />public storm drainage system. Provisions shall be made for construction of <br />wastewater facilities including grading, gutters, and piping to direct <br />stormwater and prevent erosion. Surface water on all paved areas shall be <br />collec#ed at intervals that do not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian trafFc. <br />j) Exterior lighting. Location, type, size and direction of exterior lighting <br />shall not glare or direct illumination that interferes with adjacent properties <br />or safety of public rights-of--way. <br />k) Protection of property values. Elements of a site plan shall be <br />arranged to have minimum negative 'impact on values of adjoining property <br />and other on-site uses. <br />Specific standards <br />Unless otherwise indicated here, the relevant standards for the OfFce <br />Institutional district shall apply. Where actions, designs, or solutions <br />proposed by the applicant are not literally in accord with the applicable <br />regulations of this ordinance, but the Board of Commissioners makes a <br />
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