Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1056F994-88AA-4336-8102-E1F3178D3BE7 <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> *Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br /> 5. Program Name: Meals on Wheels <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title:Ka Ste+ ta_gner <br /> Telephone Number: 919-732-6194 ext. 12 E-Mail: <br /> 6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange County SOCC Goals and Priorities and the target <br /> population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less) The Meals on Wheels program provides a <br /> home delivered meal to home-bound residents (primarily seniors) who live in northern Orange County and <br /> within a reasonable distance to an existing delivery route. This program aligns with Orange County's Goal 1: <br /> Ensure a community network of basic human services and infrastructure that maintains, protects, and <br /> promotes the well-being of all county residents. Not only do the most vulnerable members of our community <br /> get a nutritious meal five days a week, they also get a wellness check. if a driver expresses a concern, the <br /> MOW Coordinator makes appropriate contacts to ensure recipient safety. <br /> __.............................. ..........................._............._..........__..................................W......................._._ _..., — —- - ...-........... <br /> Program information Page 8 of 19 <br />