Orange County NC Website
ORD - 2019 - 027 <br /> Community Development Fund ( Homelessness Partnership Program ) <br /> Intergovernmental and General Government $ 165 , 397 <br /> From General Fund $ 91 , 603 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1 , 539 <br /> Total Community Development Fund Homelessness Partnership Program) $258, 539 <br /> Total Community Development Fund Programs $1, 724, 544 <br /> Efland Sewer Operating Fund <br /> Charges for Services $ 0 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $480 <br /> Total Efland Sewer Operating Fund $480 <br /> Visitors Bureau Fund <br /> Occupancy Tax $ 1 , 423 , 571 <br /> Sales & Fees $ 500 <br /> Intergovernmental $236 , 703 <br /> Investment Earnings $4 , 000 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $259 , 606 <br /> Total Visitors Bureau Fund $1, 924, 380 <br /> School Construction Impact Fees Fund <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 112 , 000 <br /> Total School Construction Impact Fees Fund $112, 000 <br /> Solid Waste Operations Enterprise Fund <br /> Sales & Fees $ 9 , 894 , 336 <br /> Intergovernmental $245 , 000 <br /> Miscellaneous $ 135 , 000 <br /> Licenses & Permits $ 130 , 000 <br /> Interest on Investments $ 140 , 000 <br /> General Fund Contribution for Sanitation Operations $ 0 <br /> Appropriated Reserves $ 1 , 340 , 047 <br /> Total Solid Waste Operations Enterprise Fund $11, 8841383 <br /> Sportsplex Operations Enterprise Fund <br /> Charges for Services $4 , 025 , 654 <br /> Total S orts lex Operations Enterprise Fund $41025, 654 <br /> Community Spay/Neuter Fund <br /> Animal Tax $27 , 000 <br /> Intergovernmental $ 10 , 000 <br /> Miscellaneous $ 15 , 436 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 19 , 290 <br /> Total Community S a /Neuter Fund $71, 726 <br /> Article 46 Sales Tax Fund <br /> Sales Tax Proceeds $4 , 068 , 240 <br /> Total Article 46 Sales Tax Fund $4, 068, 240 <br /> Section IV . Tax Rate Levy <br /> There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 2019- 20 a general county-wide tax rate of 86 . 79 <br /> cents per $ 100 of assessed valuation . This rate shall be levied in the General Fund . <br /> Special district tax rates are levied as follows : <br /> Cedar Grove 8 . 10 <br /> Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District 14 . 91 <br /> Damascus 10 . 80 <br /> Efland 6 . 78 <br /> Eno 9 . 68 <br /> 4 <br />