Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Policy 6.11 The following Economic Development (Transition) Activity Nodes <br />have been designated: I-40/Old NC 86 (HB-5); I-85/Buckhom (CK-5); and I- <br />85/US7p (ENO-2). <br />C. COMPARISON OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT WITH LOCATIONAL CRITERIA <br />In analyzing an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />the requested land use category is to be evaluated for compatibility with all <br />applicable Locational Criteria from Section 3.4 of the Land Use Element. <br />In the following table, COMPLIES means that the area being evaluated is <br />compatible with the locational criteria. DOES NOT COMPLY means that the area is <br />not compatible with the locational criteria. QUESTIONABLE means that <br />compatibility cannot be assessed completely from information currently available. <br />' ~L~ITE~IA ; ECONOMIC DEVELOpM~I~T ACT~V['TY'" N~7p~E: <br />LAND SLOPE- COMPLIES: The area is located on a relatively level <br />Located in areas :with slopes of less upland site with slopes averaging about 5%. <br />-than 15°!o grade.':, Where slopes of 15% <br />or;greater are present,.pratecton:can- <br />beprovided through: proper site design <br />:and constructioh practices. <br />:"HYDROLOGY <br />~ COMPLIES: There are no 100-year flood prone areas or <br />Located outside <br />of areas where 10b :. ' : wetlands identified in the area. The Soil Survey of <br />;year flood prone areas and:wetlands Orange County identifies a small finger of Chewacla soil <br />°are present. Where flood prone areas',',- that extends about 600 feet north of Old NC in the <br />and.wetlands exist, protection can be,° ~ vicinity of lots 10C and 19A and along the eastern <br />.:pirovided through Iproper.-site design , .. ; boundary of lot 11A. This soil type is prone to wetness. <br />~~,a~;d construction practices.... <br />,t~PLORA ANR=FAUNA' . <br />Located in<areas wheredet'rirnental COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of unique or <br /> <br />developmeht.impacts~an local, Sta#e or ~ endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is <br />federal{~r,-acknowrfedged unique`or <br />en.dangeredspecies <br />~and~wildlife ` <br />approximately 1.3 miles to the southwest -site E07, on <br />, <br />-habitats and carritlars can be mitigated ~ the west side of Old NC 86 at the crossing of Cates <br />, <br />,~through~ proper site design and Creek. <br />.:construction practices... <br />SDIL CQND~TIONS COMPLIES: With one exception, soils are Georgeville <br />Rocated in areas where general"soil types. These are described as gently sloping and <br />.conditians;are.sutoble fqr develapmerit <br />J sloping well-drained soils that have a surtace layer of <br />because of good drainaige : silt loam and a subsoil of clay loam, silty clay, silty clay <br />-characteristics and load=bearing <br />" loam, and clay; found on uplands. These soils are <br />capacity for Bevel <br />opment: ~ generally conducive to development posing slight to <br />'; ` ' moderate building constraints. The exception is a small <br /> finger of Chewacla soil that extends about 600 feet north <br /> of Old NC 10 in the vicinity of lots 10C and 19A and <br /> along the eastern boundary of lot 11A. This soil type is <br /> prone to wetness. <br />h:\comnlan\eddnlanamendmentCP-2-01.dnc\'7-1-f-1 \vh <br />