Orange County NC Website
~~. <br />!CRI E~tIA:. '~ECON IC aE~~.L"OPWIENT ACTIVITY~NaD;,E,,: <br />':LAND SLOPE ~ COMPLIES: The area is located on a relatively level <br />Lacated'in areas with slopes of less upland site with slopes averaging about 5%. <br />than 15% grade.: Where slopes of 15°IA <br />' <br />or greater are present. protection can <br />' <br />~be provided through proper site design <br />and cr~nstrucfiion practices. <br />___ <br />HYDROLOGY <br />COMPLIES: There are no 100-year flood prone areas or <br />Located outside of areas where 100 ~~ <br />' wetlands identified in the area. The Soil Survey of <br />year flood pane areas and':wetlands <br />~ <br />~ Orange County identifies a small finger of Chewacla soil <br />.are present. Where flood prone areas <br />' that extends about 600 feet north of Old NC 10 in the <br />and wetlands' exist, protection can be vicinity of lots 10C and 19A and along the western <br />provided through proper site design boundary of lot 33. This soil type is prone to wetness. <br />;and construction practices. ~' <br />FLORA AND FAUNA COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of uni <br />ue or <br />Located in areas where detrime.r~tal ~ <br />' q <br />endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />develp,pment impacts an local, Stale ar :~ <br />lly ac[cnowledged unique or <br />' fede;~a Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is <br />, <br />~~ertdarNgelec~~ sP~c~ps, and wildlife ~; ~ approximately 1.4 miles to the southwest -site E07, an <br />f C <br />th <br />t <br />id <br />f Old NC 86 <br />t th <br />i <br />t <br /> <br />can be mitigate ; <br />'~ha~~tats'ahci cor'~ prs e wes <br />s <br />e o <br />a <br />e cross <br />ng o <br />a <br />es <br />,, <br />~ <br />"throi~g~roper` si~e tlesign and Creek. <br />`construction practices. <br />541E CONDITION'S ; COMPLIES; With one exception, soils are Georgeville <br />1_ocated in areas where general soil types. These are described as gently sloping and <br />conditions are suitable for developmerjt•~ sloping well-drained soils that have a surFace layer of <br />because of good drainage ' : ~ ~ ~; silt loam and a subsoil of clay loam, silty clay, silty clay <br />characteristics and load-bearing ~ ~~'," loam, and clay; found on uplands. These soils are <br />capacity far development: ~ '~~! generally conducive to development posing slight to <br /> moderate building constraints. The exception is a small <br />,;,; <br />~ finger of Chewacla soil that extends about 600 feet north <br />~ of Old NC 10 in the vicinity of lots 10C and 19A and <br /> along the western boundary of lot 33. This sail type is <br /> prone to wetness. <br />:..PUBLIC SERVICES/ UTILLT,I'E5 . COMPLIES: Water and sewer lines from the Town of <br />;Located generally in' areas which are or Hillsborough currently exist in, or close to the area. A 12 <br />,~ could be reasonably' and effectively inch water line extends southward along NC 86 to serve <br />°'served by,public services and facilities. Stanback and New Hope schools. There is also a six <br />When located in areas where such inch water line that runs eastward along Old NC 10 to <br />services and facilities are not present ~, the Strayhorn Hills subdivision. A gravity outFall line <br />ar planned, general soil conditiaris along Cates Creek provides sewer service to the <br />:must be suitable for: on~sife sewage Wildwood area and a force main that ties into it provides <br />disposal systems::. service to the schools. Future sewer service to the EDD <br /> would likely be via a farce main extension from the <br />1 ~ ~ Cates Creek outfall. <br />iTRANSPORTATIQN SYSTEM COMPLIES: The northern portion of the site is <br />Located in areas adjacent fo interstate <br />- adjacent to Interstate $5 and the southern part fronts on <br />and major arferial highways <br />+ Old NC 10; NC 86 is approximately 600 feet to the west. <br />E, <br />particularly those with the potential for The Nortolk and Southern railroad is slightly aver 200 <br />~' providing access to;public transit i feet to the south. <br />'.facilities. ' <br />'~ <br />`~ <br />h:\comnlan\eddnlanamendmentCP-2-01.doc\2-1-01 \~b 12 <br />