Agenda - 06-07-2005-5e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-07-2005
Agenda - 06-07-2005-5e
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11/16/2017 2:35:54 PM
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8/29/2008 10:28:56 AM
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Minutes - 20050607
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
NS - Grant -Grant from the Federal Farm & Ranch Land Protection Program for Agricultural Conservation
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2005\2005 Grants
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4 <br /> Tribes, States, units of local government, and non-governmental organizations See Federal <br /> Register Volume 69,Number 233, Notice Pages 70427-70432. <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County and the United States have mutual interests in preventing <br /> the conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses; and <br /> WHEREAS, the United States administers the FRPP; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County administers a farmland protection program and has pending <br /> offers for acquiring agricultural conservation easements from landowners within Orange County, <br /> and the United States and Orange County have agreed to combine their resources to assure that <br /> such areas are protected from conversion to nonagricultural uses. <br /> THEREFORE, the parties agree to enter into this Cooperative Agreement. <br /> III. OBLIGATION OF FUNDS <br /> Upon execution of this agreement, the United States shall obligate the sum of$ 845,686 <br /> for the acquisition of the United States' interests in conservation easements.. Orange County <br /> must request payment of this amount in accordance with Part V of this Cooperative Agreement <br /> before September 30, 2007. After this date, any remaining funds will be released from this <br /> obligation. <br /> This Cooperative Agreement is the authorizing document that obligates CCC funds to <br /> acquire conservation easements. The United States' contribution for the acquisition of each <br /> conservation easement acquired by Orange County shall be up to but not more than 50% of the <br /> appraised fair market value. The United States' contribution cannot be used for closing and <br /> related administrative costs incurred in acquiring the conservation easement. Attachment A to <br /> this Cooperative Agreement specifies the CCC funds to be used within Orange County and <br /> includes a list with a detailed breakdown of the: (1)name and mailing address of the landowner; <br /> (2) tax map number(s) of the property; (3) number of acres to be acquired; (4) FRPP's matching <br /> share; and (5) the estimated conservation easement value. However, nothing in this document <br /> obligates the United States or Orange County to purchase all or any of the conservation <br /> easements parcels listed. There may be further modifications, additions or deletions to the list <br /> depending on the prices paid for the conservation easements, the ability to obtain good and clear <br /> title, future funding for acquisitions, etc, Additions or deletions to the list will be made by <br /> mutual agreement between the Parties to this Cooperative Agreement. <br /> IV. ENTITY'S CONTRIBUTION <br /> Orange County or designated escrow agent must disburse 100 percent of the payment, <br /> representing the easement purchase price, to the landowner at the time of closing, unless it is <br /> paying for the easement in installments in accordance with V.B. herein. Landowner donations up <br /> to 25 percent of the appraised fair market value of the conservation easement maybe considered <br /> as part of the entity's matching offer. Where a landowner's donation is considered to be part of <br />
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