Agenda - 02-26-2001-c1a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-26-2001
Agenda - 02-26-2001-c1a
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~~ <br />°~CRITERf~ ; ' . TEN; ACID TWENTY Y~A~i~TF't~NSITIL~N" '- <br />,;LAND ;SLOPE COMPLIES: Some slopes in the 10-15% range are <br />"No'sign-rficant slope or topography found in the northern portion and southwest corner of <br />problem that would'unreasonably Area 1. However, site development and the extension of <br />increase the cost of extending water public water and sewer should not be adversely <br />and sewerlines ` ' ~ affected, as this part of the site would likely be <br />` undeveloped. <br />HYDROLOGY COMPLIES: An intermittent stream flows southward - <br />Lacated outside'of 100-yearflood-prone`. about 800 feet west of NC 86. However, flood plain and <br />-areas as identified by the Carps of <br />' <br />- soils maps do not identify any 100-year flaodplain or <br />Engineers: <br />' -~ flood prone soils associated with the stream. <br />FLORA AND FAUNA , " ; <br />~ COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of unique or <br />°LQCated away <br />from sites that wrould, if ':- : <br />~ endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />`developed, create a threat to unique or <br />~ <br />, <br />~~ Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is <br />. <br />endangered species as iden#ified byahe'- approximately 0.7 mile to the west-northwest -site E07, <br />Stete or Federal Government. = a on the west side of Old NC 86 at the crossing of Cates <br /> Creek. <br />SOIL CONDITIONS COMPLIES: Soils are of the Georgeville-Herndon <br />Lacated in areaswfiere general soil ' association. These are described as gently sloping and <br />;carwditions are suitable for urban uses '; sloping well-drained soils that have a surtace layer of <br />because of good drainage , °, ," , silt loam and a subsoil of clay loam, silty clay, silty clay <br />"characteristics and load-beating loam, and clay; found on uplands. These soils are <br />,capacity for site .development:` generally conducive to development posing slight to <br /> moderate building constraints. <br />PUBLICSERVICES/:.UTILITIES COMPLIES: Water and sewer lines from the Town of <br />Located in areas which are or could _be Hillsborough currently exist in, or close to the area. A 12 <br />'reasonably and effectively served by , ;: inch water line extends southward along NC 86 to serve <br />centralized public services and utilities:; Stanback and New Hope schools. A gravity outfall line <br /> along Cates Creek provides sewer service to the <br /> Wildwood area and a force main that ties into it provides <br /> service to the schools. Future sewer service to the EDD <br /> would likely be via a force main extension from the <br /> Cates Creek outfall. <br />TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM COMPLIES: The site is located in close proximity to <br />Located in areas that have very good Interstates 85 and 40 and two major thoroughfares, Old <br />road access, as welt as service'. by rail NC 86 and NC 86. The site has frontage on NC Sfi and <br />,lines. These areas should have the future access to Old NC 86 may be possible via <br />mast complete transportation network rr . connector roads through the EDD. The Nortolk and <br />the County's planning jurisdiction- Southern railroad is located approximately 0.7mile to the <br /> northeast. <br />ENERGY. USE ' <br />` COMPLIES: Commuting times are within the 10 minute <br />Located within <br />less than a flve~minute time frame. <br />commuting time from small-scale . <br />commercial uses and a'r10.minute <br />',commuting time from major commercial ;.; <br />uses ar antlrban~'area,' <br />,. <br />'EXFSTING LAND .USE : COMPLIES: The site is in an area undergoing transition <br />Located in areas wFich~ aye in transition form rural to urban uses. It is also bordered by <br />:from rural or IoW-derrsity uses to urban Transition area to the north and west. <br />ar.higher density uses. <br />h:\comnlan\eddnlanamendmentCP-1-O1 dnr.\2-1-(11\oh <br />
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