Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />Policy 6.~2 Select industrial sites in the Transition Areas on the basis of the <br />capacity of supporting systems, such as water and sewer lines and good <br />highway or rail access, and the absence of detrimental environmental or social <br />impacts. <br />Polite 611 The fallowing Economic Development (Transition) Activity Nodes <br />have been designated: I-4~/Old NC 86 (H8-5); I-85/Buckhom (CK-5); and I- <br />85/US70 (ENO-2). <br />C. COMPARISON OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT WITH LOCATIONAL CRITERIA <br />In analyzing an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />the requested land use category is to be evaluated far compatibility with all <br />applicable Locational Criteria from Section 3.4 of the Land Use Element. <br />In the following table, COMPLIES means that the area being evaluated is <br />compatible with the locational criteria. DOES NOT COMPLY means that the area is <br />not compatible with the locational criteria. QUESTIONABLE means that <br />compatibility cannot be assessed completely from information currently available. <br />G,R1T~I~IA ECONQMIO DEVELOPI~A~~lT1`A.CTIVITY;"NC~QEi3 <br />LAND SLOPE ,. <br />` COMPLIES: Same slopes in the 10-15% range are <br />Located in areas <br />,with slppes of less found in the northern portion and southwest corner of <br />',than 15% grade. ,Where slopes of,15°f° "" <br />" Area 1. However, site development and the extension of <br />or greater are present, ,protection cane public water and sewer should not be adversely <br />be provided through proper site design,.. affected, as this part of the site would likely be <br /><=~nd construction.. practices. undeveloped. <br />HYDROLOGY '' COMPLIES: An intermittent stream flows southward <br />Located outside of areas where 1 pQ- , .; about 800 feet west of NC 86. However, flood plain and <br />year tlood;pror)e areas and wetlands soils maps do not identify any 100-year fioodplain ar <br />,arepresent. -Where flood prone areal flood prone soils associated with the stream. <br />~opd wetlands exist, protection,can be <br />provided through proper ite design <br />~ar"td construction precticrrs. - <br />":1=LQRA ANA FAUNA ` <br />-Located <br />in areas~w~-ere detrimental COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of unique or <br />; <br />development impacts on local, State or endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is <br />federally-aclcnowfedged-unique or <br />endangered species, and.wildlife <br />approximately 0.7 mile to the west-northwest -site E07, <br />habitats arid corridors can. be"mitigated on the west side of Old NC 86 at the crossing of Cates <br />through proper site design and',. Creek. <br />construction practices. ~ ,- <br />SOIL CONDITIQNS <br />' COMPLIES: Soils are of the Georgeville-Herndon <br />"Located in <br />areas where.gene~al sail association. These are described as gently sloping and <br />conditions'are suitably :for development <br />because of goad <br />drainage <br />" sloping well-drained soils that have a surface layer of <br />il <br />", <br />. <br />characteristics and load-baring s <br />t loam and a subsoil of clay loam, silty clay, silty clay <br />loam, and clay; found on uplands. These soils are <br />capaQity far development: generally conducive to development posing slight to <br /> moderate building constraints. <br />h:\comnlan\eddnlanamenrlmPnrC'P_1_m ~ir,~\~_t_nt~et, <br />