Orange County NC Website
Y <br />Y <br />Proposed plan amendments are also evaluated for conformity with Goals <br />and Policies in the Land Use Element. The proposed amendments are <br />supportive of the following goals and policies: <br />GOAL FIVE: The management of growth so that it is directed to areas where <br />growth is desirable and can be accommodated. <br />Policy 5.1 Utilize the following locational criteria to designate the most <br />appropriate location for the various Land Use Plan Categories: natural <br />environment constraints (land slope, hydrology, flora and fauna, soil conditions); <br />availability of public services and utilities; transportation system access and <br />capacity; impact on energy resources; existing land uses; presence of <br />productive agricultural or forested land; appropriate population densities; and <br />the presence of historic or cultural features. <br />Policy 5.2 Guide growth to achieve a maximum amounf of infill development in <br />the urbanizing areas of the .County while. maintaining the integrity of the existing <br />and future open space and recreational system. The purpose of infill will be to <br />minimize sprawl development and promote a more compact urban form. <br />Secondary purposes will be to reduce transportation energy cosfs in addition to <br />reducing public service costs. <br />Policy 5.5 Designate land in areas changing from rural to urban in character <br />which could reasonably be developed to accommodate urban-type densities, <br />but are currently not completely served by urban systems such as water and <br />sewer lines, as Transition areas. These areas will be further classilled into 10- <br />year and 20-Year Transition areas to reflecf the mast appropriate sequence of <br />development as this area changes from rural to urban and services are <br />extended. <br />Policv 5.11 Designate activity nodes of various types and functions at the <br />intersections of major. arterials and/or .collectors in order to accommodate <br />different intensity levels of commercial and industrial development. <br />Policy 5.12 Utilize activity nodes to promote clustered development .and to <br />discourage strip development. <br />Palicy 5.13 Identify activity nodes as the only places appropriafe far non-farm <br />related commercial and industrial development. <br />GOAL SIX. The promotion of economic development which emphasizes <br />employment meeting local needs while preserving the character of communities <br />and protecting the natural environment. <br />Policv 6.1 Provide for a sufficient amount of suitable land to accommodate the <br />expansion and growth of commercial and industrial uses in the County. <br />h:\complan\eddplanamendmentCP-1-O l .doc\2-1-0.1 \gb 4 <br />