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DocuSign Envelope ID: E53DCC3C-B8E8-41OC-BB5O-AO39C27BD393 <br /> 1= <br /> Tradebe Environmental Services, LLC. <br /> ,00, <br /> 1433 E. 83rd Ave., Ste. 200 <br /> TRADEBE- Merrillville, IN 46410 <br /> FOltlr I rs @l,'7: 210-7 OM No.:212G4000 fcxpira#ion,41 U 2*20 <br /> DEFINITIONS AS USED IN THJS ENDORSEMENT <br /> Aceiderjf iridudes continuous or repeated exposure to cond roans or TnwYmaerrtal Resforai5on means restitrtion for the loss,damage, <br /> which resullsin bodily injury,property dam3ge,orenvironraentaj or destruction of natural resourcesarisng out of the accidental <br /> darruge whim the insured neither expected n or intended. discharge,dispersal release or escape into or upon the land, <br /> Motor Vehiele means a land vehicle,mach ne,truck,hactor,trailer,or atmcaphere,waterer_utse,or body o-water,,aF any commodity <br /> semibailerpropel M or drawn by mechanical pmwer and used on a uansporled by a mclor carrier.Th s shall include the cost of removal <br /> high%oy for transporting property,or any c mbinabont1mreof and lheoostof necessary measures taken tomininieormitigate <br /> damage to human heahh,the natural environment,fish,shellfish. <br /> Bodily injury means injury to the body,sickness.or disease to any and wild)ire. <br /> person,including death resulting from any of these <br /> PropertyCamage means damage toDr loss of use of tang ible PubilixLiabAffyrneEmliabiiityforbodifyinjury,property damage, <br /> and eneironmerral restoration. <br /> property. <br /> The insurance policy to which this endorsement is attached or violation thereof,shall relieve the cornpany from Lability or from <br /> provides automobile Iiabilityirrsurance and is amended toassure the payment ofanyfinaljudgmem,vAthin the limhsofIiability <br /> complia nce by the insured,withi n the li mits staked hereix as a herein described,i nespective of the financial condition,insolvency <br /> molar canter of property,with Section s 29 and W of the Motor or bankruptcy ofth a irmured However,all terms,conditions,and <br /> Carrier Act of 1990and the rules and regulations of the Federal limitations in the policy to which the endorsement is attached shall <br /> Motor Carrier Safety Ad ministrabon;FMCSA). remaininfullforce and effect asbinding between the insu red and <br /> In consideration of the premium stated in the policy to which this th a oompa ny.The insured agrees to reimburse <br /> endorsement is attached,the insurer(the company)ageesto pay, lheeompanyFar any payment made by the company onaccount <br /> widni n the limits of I iability described therein,any final judgment of any acctdent,data%or suit nvolving a breach of the terms of <br /> recovered against the insured for public liability resulongfrom thepdicy,and'or any payment that the companywouId not hawe <br /> negligence in the operation,maintenance or use of main r vehicles been obligated to make under the provision s oFthe policy except <br /> subject to the financal resportsibility requi remenits.of SectFuns for the agreement contained in.his endorsement <br /> 29 and W of the Motor Carrier Act of 1900 regardkEss of whether It is Further understood and agreed that,upon failure oFthe <br /> arnot each motor vehicle isspecMcallydewAbedin the policy company to pay any final j udg men t recovered against the i ns ured <br /> and whether arnotsudn negligence occurs urn any route arin as provided herein,the judgment creditor rrtaymaintainanaction <br /> any territory authorized to besenedby the insured orelsewhere in any court of competent judsdiction against the company to <br /> Such insuance as is afforded,for public liability,does not apply del such payment <br /> to injury to or death of the irsh rre.l's employees while engaged in The Finn its ofthe cronpanyl,liability for the amounts prescribed in <br /> the cause of thei r employment,or property kransported by the this endorsement apply separately to each accident and any <br /> insured,designated as is understood and agreed that payment under the policy because of anyone accident shall not <br /> no corxiidDri, pravisian,stipulation,orlimitabon contained in operate to reduce She Iiabil ity of the company for She payment of <br /> the policy,this endarsemerrLor any atherendorsementthereon, final judgments result ng from any other accident. <br /> (mrihWued on nextpege) <br /> FOR M MC 5,94 Page 2 of 5 <br /> Sustainability at Work 60 <br />