Orange County NC Website
THIS AGREEMENT made this the day of June 14, 2019 , (hereinafter referred to as AGREEMENT) by <br /> and between the TRIANGLE J COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ( " TJCOG " ) and Orange County <br /> ( " Recipient" ) . <br /> WHEREAS , TJCOG and the Recipient desire to utilize grant funds for the purpose of encouraging <br /> innovative approaches in the provision of transportation demand management services ; and <br /> WHEREAS , TJCOG and the Recipient desire to secure and utilize grant funds for the above referenced <br /> purposes, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, TJCOG and the <br /> Recipient agree as follows : <br /> Section 1 . Purpose of Agreement. <br /> The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the undertaking of a transportation demand <br /> management (TDM) project by the Recipient as described in the project application . <br /> Section 2 . Project Implementation . <br /> The Recipient agrees to carry out the Project as follows : <br /> a . Scope of Project. The Recipient shall undertake and complete the Project as described in the <br /> approved Recipient' s Project Budget, incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment A, filed <br /> with and approved by the TDM Oversight Committee, and in accordance with the Project <br /> Application for financial assistance and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Nothing <br /> shall be construed under the terms of this Agreement by TJCOG or the Recipient that shall <br /> cause any conflict with Department, State, or Federal statutes, rules , or regulations . <br /> b . Cost of Project. The total cost of the Project approved by the TDM Oversight Committee is <br /> $ 64, 871 . 58 as set forth in the Project Description and Budget, incorporated into this <br /> Agreement as Attachment A. This includes $ 64, 871 . 58 for local activities ( 50 % or <br /> $ 32 ,435 . 79 in grant funding, and 50 % or $ 32 , 435 . 79 in local match) . Funds may not be <br /> transferred among line items unless written authorization is obtained from the TDM <br /> Oversight Committee . TJCOG will then work with the Recipient to prepare a budget <br /> amendment. <br /> c . Period of Performance . This Agreement shall commence upon the date of execution . The <br /> period of performance for all expenditures shall, extend from JULY 1 , 2019 TO JUNE 30 , <br /> 2020 , unless written authorization to the contrary is provided by TJCOG . If a contract <br /> extension is requested, TJCOG must obtain written authorization from the Department of <br /> Transportation and the TDM Oversight Committee . The Recipient shall commence , carry on, <br /> and complete the approved Project with all practicable dispatch, in a sound, economical, and <br /> efficient manner. <br /> d . Recipient' s Capacity. The Recipient agrees to maintain sufficient legal, financial, technical, and <br /> managerial capability to : (a) Plan, manage , and complete the Project and provide for the use <br /> of Project property; (b ) Carry out the safety and security aspects of the Project, and ( c) <br /> Comply with the terms of this Agreement, the Approved Project Budget, the Project <br /> schedules , and applicable Federal and State laws, regulations , and directives . <br /> e . Administrative Requirements . The Recipient agrees to comply with the following Federal and <br /> State administrative requirements : ( 1 ) U . S . DOT regulations, " Uniform Administrative <br /> Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments, " 49 <br /> C . F . R. Part 18 at http • Imlwww. access . gpo . gov/ nara / cfr/cfr-table - search . html # 12age1a ( 2 ) Title <br /> 19A North Carolina Administrative Code ( N . C .A . C .) Subchapter 513 at <br /> http : ./ .Ire ports . oah . state . nc. us -In cac. asp . <br /> Page 1 of 18 <br />