Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:60890E67-6F1D-48BF-9BD4-7E57F52CDE30 <br /> Attachment A <br /> Scope of Work for Recycling Composition Study, RFP#5253 <br /> 1. For the 11 programs, 8 County programs and 3 UNC programs, KCI shall conduct a recycling sort <br /> over a Six(6) day period during which 66 samples will be sorted for an average of 6 samples per <br /> program. KCI shall at its sole expense: <br /> a. Obtain the necessary equipment and arrange for labor to conduct the sort; <br /> b. Provide a scale calibrated to 0.02 pounds, all other sorting equipment and tools, safety <br /> equipment, protective gear and fluids to keep workers hydrated; <br /> c. Provide a Field Supervisor, Sorting Supervisor and six(6) locally contracted day laborers to <br /> assist with the sort; <br /> d. Conduct the sorting event by pulling representative samples weighing at least 150 pounds <br /> from all incoming loads of single stream recyclables according to the sampling and sorting <br /> schedule set forth on Attachment A. <br /> e. Have the Field Supervisor lead daily training sessions with the Sorting Supervisor and <br /> contracted laborers to review proper sorting techniques and safety protocols; <br /> f. Have Field and Sorting Supervisors continuously observe the material category bins to <br /> ensure proper sorting and record weight data on KCI's surface tablet to ensure accurate <br /> data recording, save the spreadsheet for each sample immediately to both the tablet and to <br /> an external flash drive; <br /> 2. County will assist with or arrange the following: <br /> a. A safe, secure location of approximately 20' x 40',for sorting activities at the Orange County <br /> Landfill <br /> b. A location near the sorting location for tipping loads of recyclables with enough room to mix <br /> and pull a sample from the load <br /> c. A front-end loader and operator for mixing loads of recyclables and a skid steer or similar <br /> vehicle, preferably with a grapple bucket, and operator for pulling samples <br /> d. Transport and offsite processing or disposal of all sorted and unsorted materials delivered to <br /> the landfill as part of the study <br /> e. Co-ordination with UNC and any private haulers, as needed, during the planning of the study <br /> to identify loads of recyclables to deliver to the landfill and scheduling of the delivery of the <br /> same to insure availability of materials for sorting in a timely manner. <br /> f. A contact person to be available to KCI staff during the onsite fieldwork, as needed. <br /> g. A secure location for overnight storage of materials to be sorted, as needed. <br /> 3. KCI shall: <br /> a. In consultation with the County, plan the Recycling sort <br /> b. Conduct a kick-off call to confirm project objectives and identify information needed to <br /> conduct the Recycling Sort; <br />