Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:25158025-ADOF-4044-B3BF-3AB3BFDF53FD <br /> e <br /> 2. SCOPE OF PROJECT <br /> The Project consists of the development and operation of a clean fuel advanced technology <br /> outreach and awareness program,including sub-awards for projects In eligible counties in <br /> North Carolina. The Project AM be administered by CETC,a Public Service Center of the <br /> University,and CETC will be responsible for day to day management and implementation of <br /> the Project. <br /> The Department's funding participation in the Project shall be restricted to the following <br /> eligible items: <br /> • ❑utreach and Education Activities initiated by the Universlty; <br /> ■ Sub}-Awards for eligible activit£es and to eligible partners as awarded by the <br /> University as further set forth in this Agreement. <br /> 3. FUNDING <br /> REIMBURSEMENT FOR EUG19LE ACTIVITIES <br /> Subject to compliance by the University with the provisions set forth in this Agreement and <br /> the availability of federal funds,the Department shall reimburse eighty percent(84%)of <br /> eligible expenses Incurred by the University for its own or Its subreciplents'eligible expenses <br /> up to a maximum amount of Four Million Four Hundred Nlnety Four Thousand Five Hundred <br /> Dollars($4,494,500),as shown In Table 1 below.Eligible expenses shall Include federal and <br /> non-federal costs as described herein.The University,or its subreciplents,shall provide a <br /> non-federal share of twenty percent(20%)as described below.The Department shall not be <br /> llable for costs that exceed the total estimated amount of federal funding. <br /> The Department will allow the University to use unrecovered Indirect costs at the approved <br /> Indirect cost rate of twenty percent(2D%)towards the nun-federal match of the project, in <br /> addition,the Department will allow the use of third-party donations towards the non-federal <br /> match with the prior review and approval of the Department. The University shall document <br /> its cost share,Including the unrecovery of indirect costs and/or third party donation casts, <br /> when requesting reimbursement_ <br /> Agreement ID#6737 4 <br />