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DocuSign Envelope ID:25158025-ADOF-4044-B3BF-3AB3BFDF53FD <br /> Appendix S <br /> NC State University <br /> Cast Reimbursement Terms and Conditions <br /> for NC DOT CFAT Subawards(version 10-2017) <br /> 22. Law and Severability. It is agreed that if either party is an agency of its respective state <br /> government,the applicable constitutional provisions or statutes that govern sovereign <br /> immunity shall dictate the appropriate forum and law governing substantive issues. <br /> Subrecipient agrees to comply with all relevant federal, state, county, and municipal <br /> executive orders, rules, regulations, laws and ordinances. In the event that any <br /> provision(s) of the Agreement are rendered void or illegal the remainder of its provisions <br /> shall remain in effect. Failure on the part of either party to exercise a right or remedy <br /> shall not preclude exercising them in the future. <br /> 23. Survivability. In the event of early termination of this Subaward,the parties agree that <br /> Articles 18 through 21 and the obligations inherent in them will survive the termination <br /> of this agreement for a minimum of 3 years. <br /> 24. Export Controls. The parties acknowledge that each is responsible for compliance with <br /> US Export Control regulations. In the event that either party becomes aware that the <br /> research work that is being or will be conducted, is or is likely to involve a technology <br /> that is subject to Export Controls, each party agrees to notify the other within three <br /> working days so that the situation can be evaluated and an appropriate course of action <br /> taken. <br /> 25. Non-Construction and Vehicle Procurement Proiects. <br /> Example of non-construction projects that are eligible for funding include: <br /> *Alternate fuel and advanced technology vehicle conversions <br /> *Purchase of alternate fuel and advanced technology vehicles <br /> *Onboard Idle Reduction Technologies, such as idle reduction equipment and auxiliary <br /> power units <br /> *Diesel retrofits <br /> *Education and Outreach initiatives <br /> *This list is not inclusive and the University may implement other emerging technology <br /> projects with the prior review and approval of the NC DOT and FHWA. <br /> 26. Procurement of Goods and Services. <br /> In accordance with the 2 CFR 204 and the exemptions obtained by the US Department of <br /> Transportation,codified at 2 CFR 1201, the Subrecipient shall follow state regulations for <br /> procuring goods and services. <br /> Purchase of Vehicles <br /> The NC DOT, through the NC Department of Administration, Purchase and Contract <br /> Division, awards vehicle contracts to purchase vehicles for public use. These vehicle <br /> contracts comply with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and State requirements. <br /> Appendix B NCSU CR Subaward Terms for NC DOT-outreach and education subs 10,25,17 Page 8 of 9 <br />