2019-020-E AMS - NCSU electric motorcycle grant
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2019-020-E AMS - NCSU electric motorcycle grant
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Last modified
7/11/2019 3:12:01 PM
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7/11/2019 2:47:14 PM
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Agenda Item
11/13/18; 8-d
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Agenda - 11-13-2018 8-d - Acceptance of Electric Motorcycle Grant & Approval of Budget Amendment #3-A
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 11-13-2018 Regular Meeting
R 2019-020 AMS - NCSU electric motorcycle grant
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DocuSign Envelope ID:25158025-ADOF-4044-B3BF-3AB3BFDF53FD <br /> Appendix B <br /> SIC State University <br /> Cost Reimbursement Terms and Conditions <br /> for NC DOT CFAT Subawards(version 10-2017) <br /> 1. General Provisions. <br /> A. These terms and conditions apply to all Cost Reimbursement Subawards issued by <br /> NCSU. They are binding when incorporated by reference into a fully executed NCSU <br /> Subaward, using a Subaward Notice (SN). All references to"Block #"are to the SN. <br /> The SN identifies the parties, the key persons, the project proposal, establishes funding <br /> and cost share obligations, the period of performance, special terms and conditions, and <br /> carries the signatures of authorized representatives of each party. <br /> B. The Subaward may also include other documents incorporated by the SN. Such other <br /> documents may include a proposal from the Subrecipient, or a Statement of Work with a <br /> budget as well as a Prime Award from the sponsor. <br /> C. The Subaward is a binding agreement whereby the Subrecipient shall provide the <br /> personnel, materials, required facilities and use its reasonable best efforts to accomplish <br /> the work described in the project proposal (incorporated into this Subaward as <br /> Appendix A) or required by the associated Statement of Work. NCSU in turn agrees to <br /> reimburse Subrecipient for the allowable costs of said project or work effort in <br /> accordance with these and other incorporated terms, up to a total funded dollar amount, <br /> (Block 7). <br /> D. The Subaward supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations, <br /> between the parties regarding the proposed project, whether oral or written. Each party <br /> remains an independent entity. The Subaward does not establish any employment or <br /> agency relationship between the parties. <br /> 2. Chanaes and Modifications. <br /> A. These Terms and Conditions may be altered by the Special Terms and Conditions <br /> recorded on a given SN or in subsequent written modifications. Any changes to the <br /> Subaward after the initial SN has been executed must be recorded in written <br /> modifications, using the SN form annotated with a Modification Number. Both parties <br /> must sign modifications, except that NCSU may elect to issue the following types of <br /> modifications unilaterally: <br /> 1. Changes in key personnel when subrecipient submits a written request for change <br /> 2. Revisions to the project budget when subrecipient submits a written request <br /> 3. Changes to administrative information <br /> 4. Funding actions identified in the approved budget <br /> 5. Extension of the project end date(no-cost extension) <br /> B. Subrecipient may reject such unilateral modifications by providing written notice of <br /> exceptions to the NCSU Negotiator/Adm ini strator(Block#10) within 30 days after <br /> receipt of said modification. if the Subrecipient objects to a unilateral modification, the <br /> parties will negotiate an acceptable one. <br /> Appendix B NCSU CR Subaward Terms for NC DOT-oulreach and education subs 10.25.17 Page t of 9 <br />
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